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BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE AND ORDER OF SALE OF THE BUTLER CIRCUIT COURT, the Master Commissioner will sell at public auction the real property in the following action on Friday, August 16, 2024 about the hour of 10:00 a.m. at the Courthouse Door of the Butler County Courthouse located on Main Street in Morgantown, Butler County, Kentucky. Said property shall be sold to collect the amounts hereinafter set forth, together with interest and the costs of the action, and upon the following terms and conditions (unless otherwise stated).

A.The successful purchaser may pay the purchase price in full on the date of sale OR the successful purchaser will be required to pay 10% down on the date of sale with the balance of the purchase price plus interest on said balance at the rate the judgment bears (KRS 426.705) from the date of sale with balance to be paid within 30 days of the date of sale. If the successful purchaser does not pay the purchase price in full on the day of sale, the purchaser shall execute a bond with an approved surety bearing interest at the rate the judgment bears (KRS 426.705) from the date of sale until paid which bond shall have the force and effect of a judgment. The Commissioner shall retain a lien upon the property sold as additional security. All bidders must be prepared to comply promptly with these terms.

B.The property is sold subject to the following:

a.State, County, City and School taxes payable for the entire year of 2024 and all taxes due thereafter. The Master Commissioner will make a good faith effort to obtain and pay all taxes or assessments upon the property for prior years; however, this cannot be guaranteed.

b.Easement, restrictions, and covenants of record.

c.Any facts which an inspection or accurate survey of the property may disclose.

d.Any assessments for public improvements levied against the property.

e.Any applicable zoning regulations.

C.The property shall otherwise be sold free and clear of any and all right, title and interest   of all parties to the action and their liens and encumbrances thereon.

D.For a more particular description of these properties, reference is made to the file on record at the Butler Circuit Clerk’s Office on the second floor of the Butler County Courthouse.

E.You assume risk of loss of the property the day of the sale. Therefore, you should secure property and casualty insurance to protect your interest.

F.The Master Commissioner does not have access to the properties listed below and therefore makes no representation or warranty of any kind as to the conditions of these properties.



VANDERBILT MORTGAGE vs. NADIA TAYLOR, et al pending in Butler Circuit Court, 24-CI-00040, to collect $159,149.73 as of April 9, 2024, plus interest until paid, advances for taxes and insurance, reasonable attorney fees, the court costs herein expended, and the expenses of the sale.  

201 Holly Trail, Butler County, Kentucky PVA Map #128-00-00-005.09

AND BEING the same property conveyed to Nadia Treyshawna Taylor and Charles Christopher Taylor, wife and husband, from Ed Miller and Edna Miller, husband and wife, and Joe Miller and Evelyn Miller, husband and wife, by Deed dated November 29, 2021 and recorded in Deed Book 247, Page 307, records of the Butler County Court Clerk’s Office.



This the 24th day of July, 2024 Samantha Short Miller, Butler County Master Commissioner


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