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Magistrates fill vacant board seats, approve budgets at Fiscal Court Meeting

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The Butler County Fiscal Court met in its regular meeting for December on Monday morning at the Green River Museum in Woodbury. All members except 5th District Magistrate Keith Daugherty were in attendance, along with the county attorney and several visitors.

Russell Clark, Community Planner for the National Parks Service's Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) spoke to the court concerning a Green River Blueway Project. The project would create a river trail for kayakers and canoers. Judge Fields invited Clark to speak at the December Fiscal Court meeting because he felt the subject matter was befitting a meeting held in Woodbury, and also because he believes the involvement of Woodbury and Rochester will be important to the success of project. Clark explained that the Blueways project would involve local businesses, vendors, organizations, and other entities. No action was needed on Clark's presentation but the court agreed that there would be interest in the county for the project. All the counties that the Green River runs through will eventually be given the opportunity to join the project.

Emergency Management Director Terry Hunt asked the court to give approval for Judge Fields to apply for a Kentucky Emergency Management Performance Grant Allocation for fiscal year 2013. Hunt explained that the process for applying for the grant now requires the Judge-Executiive to administer and allocate the grant. The measure passed by a 4-0 vote.

Next the court heard the Judge's recommendation to fill open seats on the Extension District Board. Judge Fields recommended J.D. Chism to fill the seat vacated by Richie Bratcher, and Dewayne McKinney to fill the seat vacated by Melvin Bowles. The magistrates accepted the nominations with a pair of 4-0 votes.

The magistrates approved budgets and salary caps for both the Butler County Clerk and the Butler County Sheriff. The court also presented the Green River Museum with their annual $2,500 dollar allotment. Tommy Hines, representing the Museum, accepted the check and thanked the court for their continued support.

Next the court held a discussion about using the Jail Work Crew to help keep up county properties such as the Butler County Park at Woodbury. Second District Magistrate Johnny Tuck asked for the matter to be put on the agenda. He feels the Jail Crew should be used to keep up county properties first ahead of other projects. Jailer Terry Fugate said in the past his crew had tried to mow and clean up cemeteries and the county parks on a two week rotation. He said that this year he will have to drop cemetery upkeep because of the high cost of fuel and upkeep on the mowers. He told the court that his crew would clean up the courthouse and the county parks in the coming year. No action was needed or taken on the matter.

The magistrates next approved $1,200, $100 per month, for the county's law library. Judge Fields and Jailer Terry Fugate reported that the library had been remodeled by the Jail Work Crew and that Judge Ronnie Dortch had boxed up several boxes of old law books to be disposed of. Fields said that it is state law that the county pay between $50 and $100 per month to maintain a law library in the courthouse, and that Judge Dortch had requested $1,200 for the next year. The matter passed by a 5-0 vote.

In other business the court heard the second reading of a proposed budget amendment, approved routine bills and transfers, and approved up to $40,000 to be transferred from the General Fund to the Jail Fund. The meeting was then adjourned and the court and visitors enjoyed a meal provided by the Woodbury Museum.

The next Fiscal Court meeting will be on December 27th. The meeting is a special called year-end meeting.


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