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Local GOP plans county mass meeting; delegates to be selected for state convention

Members of the Butler County Republican Party will hold their county mass meeting on March 19 at Morgantown City Hall.  The meeting, which is a key part of the state party's organizational efforts, is set for 6 p.m.  All Butler County Republicans registered before December 31, 2023 can vote at the county mass meeting.

During the year that a Presidential Election is held, Kentucky counties hold their County Mass Meetings in March. The purpose is to elect delegates and alternate delegates for the district and state Conventions, and also to elect four committee members for the district convention.

What does a delegate do? During presidential election years every four years, Kentucky has a convention process to select national delegates who attend the Republican National Convention and will ultimately select the nominees for the Presidency and Vice Presidency. The counties begin the process for delegates at the district and state level. In addition, at the county mass meeting, each county selects four individuals to serve on committees at the district convention.

Attendees are asked to arrive early to register (between 5 and 6 p.m.).  Officials need to confirm that he/she is a duly registered voter. When the meeting starts, the county committee will nominate a slate of Republican delegates (and alternates) from Butler County for the district convention. Once the slate is elected then a slate of delegates (and alternates) from Butler County for the state convention will be nominated, debated and elected. You will also vote for a slate of individuals for four (4) different committees: Credentials, Permanent Organization, Nominating, and Rules. 

If a county committee's recommended slate is rejected by the voters at the mass meeting, the same and one or more other slates of delegates and alternate delegates may be placed in nomination from the floor.

You’ll get a paper ballot, cast your vote, then the votes will be counted at the meeting. The chairman will announce the slates with the most votes. Then the meeting will be adjourned.

Please note that you will need to attend the meeting in person and stay until your vote has been cast. There is NO EARLY OR ABSENTEE voting in a mass meeting. You will need to bring a government photo ID so that the party can confirm you are a registered voter in Butler County. As long as you are in line before the 6 p.m. registration deadline, you will be allowed to vote. 

If you’d like to be a delegate or alternate, or if you’d like to serve on one of the four committees, please fill out this special interest form below:

The full Call to Convention, including the number of delegates for each county, can be found here:

Below is a link to a Delegate Interest Form for Butler County with all of the details. There are many Republicans in Butler County and this is an excellent way to get involved in the process.


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