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Little Muddy Rural Development Club News

The Little Muddy RD Club met September 17th, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.  There were 24 people present.  The meeting began with the pledge to the American flag.  Johnny Tuck gave the blessing for the meal. After the meal, President, Sean Weeks called the business meeting to order. The minutes were read by Assistant Secretary, Laurie Keen and approved.  Mary Hatcher gave the treasurer’s report. The birthdays and anniversaries were announced and celebrated with song. The club thanked the hostess for the night Laurie Keen.
In old business, Gregory Drake announced the Steering Committee would be holding a bean and cornbread fundraiser on Wednesday October 17th. Plates will cost $5.00. Members volunteered to bring in beans, cornbread and desserts to the event. Anyone who will be helping that day needs to be there at 9:30 a.m. and they will start serving at 10:30 a.m. Gregory also announced that the Annual Field Day was a success with over 145 people attending. Members discussed the movie night that will be held at the Little Muddy Community Center on Saturday, October 20th starting at 6:00 p.m. Members should be at the community center at 4:30 p.m. to start setting up. The club decided to show the movie Wall-E and serve popcorn and drinks for $1.00 each. Sean & Donnita Weeks are in charge of creating flyers and putting it in the local newspapers. They will also purchase the oil and popcorn. Greg & Rita Drake will be providing a popcorn machine. Gregory Drake will be providing the projector and needed sound equipment. Scott Green will provide a banner to advertise and soft drinks. Laurie Keen will provide a large backdrop to show the movie on.
In new business, Laurie Keen announced that the Rochester Festival was very successful and club member Scott Keen won 1st place in the tractor show. Shanna Drake discussed options of what the club wants to do for Christmas. Members agreed that they enjoyed donating presents to Andrea’s Mission last year and Shanna is going to contact them again to get information about their current needs.
After the discussion, the meeting was turned over to program leader Donnita Weeks who discussed all the items needed for the year end processes. She informed club members that she needs any items to be included in the scrapbook as soon as possible. She reminded club members that it is time to elect new officers for the 2012 – 2013 year. President Sean Weeks opened the floor for nominations. Wayne Hatcher nominated Danny Dye-President, Mary Hatcher-Treasury, Donnita Weeks-Secretary and Greg Drake-Vice President. Several nominees declined the nomination; there was not a second and the motion failed. Greg Drake nominated Wayne Hatcher-President, Danny Dye-Vice President, Shanna Drake-Secretary and Mary Hatcher-Treasurer. All those nominated accepted the nomination and the motion carried. Members discussed the current goals, hostesses and program leaders and made adjustments for the next fiscal year. Members also discussed the previous year’s accomplishments and what needs to be included on the year end scorecard. After the program there was no other discussion and the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be held on Monday, October 15ht at the Little Muddy Community Center. Everyone is invited to attend.


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