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Letter to the Editor: Vote NO on 2

Jamie Skudlarek

Let's talk about this push by the supermajority GOP to pass this Amendment 2 to allow them, the legislators, to spend our public tax dollars "outside" of our public schools.

Firstly, whatever might be insufficient with our public schools will not be fixed by taking even more money away. The GOP has been blocking school funding since they took control of the state senate in 1999. Yes the senate, part of the general assembly that creates the budget, can block a budget from passing. The supermajority GOP likes to say that this year's public education budget is the best budget in years... how does the "best budget in years" not have mandated raises for school employees?

Secondly, this will end up with the supermajority GOP passing voucher type bills that mostly benefit rich families and

rich counties in Kentucky. This will be very harmful to rural areas. Our public schools are the backbones of our communities in rural Kentucky. Do we want to lose funding for our teachers jobs or more elective type courses?

Thirdly, I am scared to think of what this would do to teacher retirement which depends on current teachers paying into the retirement program.

Lastly, who wants to allow legislators to give our hard earned money to elite private schools, not me.

I would encourage you to vote NO on Amendment 2 to keep our public tax dollars designated for our public schools. And I would also encourage you to vote for public school friendly candidates like myself, Jamie Skudlarek.


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