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Letter to Editor: Jerrod Barks

I know there has been some discussion about the festival and a general lack of community involvement. So, I thought I'd share some thoughts I've had for a while on this topic.

Let's talk about apathy.

Apathy: lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern.

Apathy is a word I’ve been hearing lately used to describe our community. A word that, in its very usage, symbolizes that with which our local culture has claimed and promoted itself on.

We have become a society, and community, in which activism is accomplished through empty words online. We use facebook and social media to complain, wish-for and express anger. Don’t misunderstand me, this can be a fantastic way to share ideas and network, however, the problem manifests itself when that activism halts at the computer screen. Activism needs physical movement, it needs a voice, it needs comradery and a mission.

I’ve lived in, or have been a part of, Morgantown my entire life, and in that life, I’ve heard the statement “Morgantown is going nowhere” or some variation of that sentiment hundreds of times. What does that say to your young people? What does that say to people looking at your community to live? I know, as I’m writing this I can hear the all too vocal group saying “There’s nothing for the kids in this town” or “Nothing ever happens here.” I understand that viewpoint and it is a problem… but it is with words and a consciousness shift that real action can happen. How can we expect others to view us in a certain light, when we ourselves refuse to do so?

We are a community against many things, but what are we for? Who are we? What are we? What’s our identity? I certainly hope that we are not seen (or see ourselves) as a group of naysayers and anti-vocalists, a group of people so downtrodden that we refuse to see the light, a skeptical cohort who admonish the thought of progress based on past injustices.

One day there will have to be an awakening, a conscious and tangible difference that will propel this community forward. An active, vibrant and genial local culture that celebrates our neighbor’s victories and pushes the boundaries and extends beyond our past accomplishments. It will take ALL of us to make this a reality, no longer can we depend on the hard work of just a few to move us along the spectrum toward our future. It is with positivity and an optimistic attitude and outlook that will change the future of this place, more so than any activity or event or business. We must ALL play our role in making this community a better and more worthwhile place to live and be. Ask yourself right now, what am I doing to make my community a better place, how am I attributing to the greater conversation about our town, am I creating more problems or am I a part of the solution, am I expelling negative words that add to a toxic culture?

There are core groups of individuals in our area making this goal of change their very mission. There are many opportunities to be a part of the effort. It is up to you to look past a computer screen and make real progress for your future and the future of your community. We have a choice to do what’s best or what’s easy, to continue down that well-trodden, familiar path or divert to our greater purpose. I, for one, am ready to trek the unknown.

Promote your town, promote your community, promote your neighbor and promote yourselves.

Let’s move forward, guys!

-Jerrod Barks

*** These are my views as a private individual and do not necessarily reflect the views of the City of Morgantown


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