LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: State Rep. Rebecca Raymer
Stay tuned as lawmakers convene in January
I know the holidays are busy for all of us, but the session will convene the 2024 Regular Session just two days after we ring in the New Year. Since time is of the essence, I wanted to use this week’s legislative update to share some basic information that I hope will help you follow our work.
The General Assembly will convene on Tuesday, January 2 at Noon. This date is set by the Kentucky Constitution, which also establishes that, since this is an even year, we have 60 legislative days to complete our work before we must adjourn by midnight on April 15.
At the top of our agenda is crafting a state budget to provide for the state’s needs over the next two fiscal years. I am extremely proud of the budget approved two years ago because it was fiscally responsible and placed a strong emphasis on investing state resources in areas that will pay off for generations. The legislature also sought ways to hold various agencies and programs accountable for the services they exist to provide, again making sure that state government does all it can as stewards of the state’s resources.
In addition to the budget, we will consider a number of other issues with the ultimate goal of making this state the best place to build a life. Since adjourning the last session, our attention has been on continuing reforms to our juvenile justice system, addressing crime, and finding ways to address the workforce shortages. If you are interested in following along, please email me to be added to a list for regular updates.
One of my favorite duties as a legislator is welcoming visitors and school groups to Frankfort. These tours serve as a great reminder of why I serve this community, and provide folks from our community with a firsthand appreciation of their state capitol building and capital city. If you have a school group or civic organization that would like to come visit, I hope you will let me arrange the tour of the Kentucky State Capitol, Thomas D. Clark Kentucky History Center, or the Military History Museum. I also have some resources for groups that cannot make the trip – including a video tour and activity books.
If you are not able to visit in person, we use a variety of tools to keep the legislature’s work accessible and transparent. For decades, Kentucky Educational Television (KET) has televised committee meetings and the work we do on the House Floor. In addition, the legislature now offers a YouTube channel and broadcasts live from all committees, including those that KET is unable to cover. To access the KET and YouTube coverage, visit www.legislature.ky.gov and click on the Live Coverage box. You may also go directly to them via www.ket.org and KY LRC Committee Meetings on YouTube.
The Legislative Research Commission (LRC) is the legislature’s administrative arm and maintains a helpful, information-packed website. It contains every bill and resolution, schedules, contact information, and information about the legislative process. I regularly refer to LRC publications, which provide research information on a variety of issues and can also be downloaded from the website.
As always, I can be reached anytime through the toll-free message line in Frankfort at 1-800-372-7181. You can also contact me via e-mail at [email protected] and keep track of interim committee meetings through the Kentucky legislature’s website at legislature.ky.gov.