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Jones Funeral Chapel's Memorial Trees

The Memorial Christmas Trees at Jones Funeral Chapel are once again up and decorated.  For over 20 years, individuals have brought ornaments to the funeral chapel to honor their departed loved ones.  What started with one tree has now grown to three.
"We began this tradition in 1990. Gerald and I thought it would be a good way for people to remember their loved ones after they were gone," said Jan Jones, co-founder of Jones Funeral Chapel.


She continued, "Anyone is welcomed to bring an ornament in memory of their loved one by the funeral chapel to be displayed on one of the memorial trees. It doesn't matter if your loved one was from Butler County, or even if they did not hold their service at Jones, we still encourage people to bring in their memorial ornament."

A number of unique ornaments decorate each of the trees including a badge, a fox horn, John Deere tractor, fishing bobbers, and a number of UK ornaments.  Once an ornament is dropped off for display, it will be placed on the trees each year thereafter. The Jones' encourage those who have previously dropped off ornaments to update those periodically.

The Christmas Memorial Trees may be viewed from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Jones Funeral Chapel. Ornaments may be dropped off from now through the Christmas holiday.


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