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Jarrod Jacobs: Is There A Standard?

    “That’s your opinion.” “Who are you to tell me what to do?” “Who is to say _____ is right or wrong?” “I see nothing wrong with it.” Have we not heard or said such statements in the past? I am afraid we all have. The common theme in these statements is selfishness resulting in the abandonment of a standard of rule or authority in our lives.
    This attitude is prevalent in our society. This is because many people either deny God’s existence (atheism), or they justify what they do by reasoning: “God wants me to be happy.” Either extreme is spiritually fatal, and in either case, we have taken God off His throne and set ourselves up as king of our own lives! (Contradicting Jer. 10:23.) Either extreme has the same effect. If we deny God’s existence, we have no objective standard for life. If we justify our actions based upon what we want, God is rendered impotent in our lives. This attitude has been with us for many years, and it leads to our ruin (Zeph. 1:12; Lk. 6:46).
    Is there an objective standard for us in our daily lives? The answer is, “Yes.” Just as we have a standard in this nation to determine what is legal and illegal (the Constitution), so also, we have a standard for our lives that has been given by God — the Bible! In fact, God’s standard transcends all others (Acts 5:29). This standard is the one God will use to judge us one day (Jn. 12:48).
    Further, this same word is alive and powerful (Heb. 4:12). It can “pierce” through hearts and can “discern” even the “thoughts and intents of the heart.” No other book has this kind of power! In fact, Romans 1:16-17 reveals that God’s word has the power to save. This is true power — power to show folks the truth and to lead them to salvation before it is everlastingly too late. Yes, this is the standard. No other book reveals what is necessary to be saved.

    This same word is itself wisdom. When we consider what David said about the word of God, we gain a greater appreciation of what it means to possess a book which produces wisdom (Ps. 119:98-100). Friend, I do not care who you are, how many colleges you have attended, or the degrees you may hold. No one is truly educated if he does not have a knowledge of the Bible!

    God’s word is also called “seed” (Lk. 8:11). This seed, when allowed to germinate in the “honest and good heart” (Lk. 8:15), will produce good fruit. We can be saved from our sin, and then continue to live faithfully to God (Rev. 2:10). Jesus told His disciples to abide in Him so we can produce much fruit (Jn. 15:4-5). In the production of this fruit, we grow spiritually, and strengthen our relationship to God. By bearing spiritual fruit, we can lead others to Christ as well.
    Yes, we have an objective standard in life, and we need to obey it. The standard is the revealed word of God! The question is will we accept that standard? Will we submit to it? Too many are rejecting this standard for selfish interests. We will answer for that if we do not repent. Therefore, let us make sure that we do what the Lord says (Rev. 22:14). Follow the revealed word of God so that we may see Heaven one day.

-- You are invited to visit with the Caneyville church of Christ. Times of services: Sun.: 10:00 am, 10:45 am, 5:00 pm; Wed.: 7:00 pm. Website: Tune in to our radio program 101.5 FM at 5:30 am, Mon-Fri. Questions? Call: (270) 589-4167


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