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Jarrod Jacobs: Questions Related to Joseph's Life

I am asked various Bible questions from time to time, and I am honored when someone wants to ask me certain questions. If you like, feel free to contact me using the info below and I would be happy to talk to you about your Bible questions.

            In this article, I want to note two questions I have been asked about Joseph. Perhaps they will help you in your study. The life of Joseph, the son of Jacob, is recorded for us in Genesis 37-50. His life is one that interests many who read the book of Genesis. There is much to learn because the record of his life consumes the majority of the book of Genesis.

 Question: In Genesis chapter 40, the Chief Baker had to have had 3 anguishing days. Could he make his life right before death? Could he have a chance at heaven?

 Answer: To ask if he could have a “chance” or opportunity for salvation, then I believe the answer is “Yes.” This is because God wants all men to be saved, and in every dispensation (Patriarchal, Mosaic, Christian), He provided a way for men to be right with Him….

             In the baker’s case, if he wanted to be right with God, I believe he would have had a way to do it. Surely, Joseph could tell him what to do.

             Did he do it? We cannot answer this. The Bible doesn’t say what he did or did not do so far as preparing for death after receiving the bad news from Joseph.

 Question: I’m assuming Joseph was not called Joseph in Egypt or wouldn’t his brothers have made the connection? How many years had it been since they had seen Joseph?

 Answer: Last question first, it was approximately 20 years since they saw Joseph. In Genesis 37:2, he was 17. By Genesis 41:46, he was 30, which means 13 years have passed. Add 7 years of plenty before the brothers saw him, and the total is approximately 20 years. When they came to Egypt for food, you might add a year or so….

             Secondly, you're right, it would have been hard for the brothers to recognize Joseph because:

·        It'd been 20 years! The last time they saw him, he was 17. (For comparison, have you experienced a time when you saw someone from 20 years ago (perhaps a high school reunion) and didn’t recognize him/her?

·        He would not have been called by his Hebrew name Joseph, but his Egyptian name, Zaphnathpaaneah, just like you observed (Gen. 41:45).

 ·        He would have been dressed as Egyptian royalty, and not as a shepherd or slave. This attire included shaving all his body (Gen. 41:14). The Hebrew brothers would not have been like this, seeing they lived in a completely different culture.

 ·        He spoke to them in the Egyptian language and used an interpreter when speaking to them (Gen. 42:23).

 Let us not forget the main thing: They weren’t expecting him in that position! He was sold as a slave! They didn't know where he ended up. After all, what slave ends up as royalty? They have not been aware of his life like we (readers) have been. They have been living in Canaan and living with the guilt of Joseph being sold as a slave. Was he alive or dead? They had no idea, but this turn of events would never have been on their “radar”!

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