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Jarrod Jacobs: God's Barriers On The Road To Hell

Picture a bridge that has washed away. When those working to repair the bridge come to the scene, they will put up barriers, or barricades to keep people from endangering their lives and the lives of others. Barriers may have flashers, flags, and any other attention-getting device attached to them. This is because they are intended to warn people and keep them safe.

    The ways to Heaven and Hell are also pictured as roads, one narrow and one broad (Matt. 7:13-14). Spiritually, God has set up barriers to warn us of the coming destruction on the broad way. He shows us the safe way that leads us to Him when we go on the “strait and narrow” way (Matt. 7:13-14). What are some barriers God has set up on the road to Hell?

    One barrier on this road is the Bible. This book warns us of the impending doom and destruction of Hell. Looking to the New Testament, we see that Jesus spoke of Hell (Matt. 25:41). In fact, Jesus talked more about Hell than any other teacher in the New or Old Testaments. The Bible warns that drunkards, murderers, fornicators; those who are abusive to their spouse or children, etc. will be cast into the Lake of Fire (I Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 21:8).

    In reading the Bible, we learn that God wants no one to go to Hell (II Pet. 3:9). This is why He has given us His book that warns us of His wrath and Hell fire! Therefore, let us all heed the warnings spelled out in the Bible, and live a life that is pleasing to God.

    Another barrier on the road to Hell is the cross. Christ endured the cross as a sacrifice for sin (Matt. 20:28; II Cor. 5:20-21). By looking to the cross, we see a great, grand barrier that stands in our way if we travel the road to Hell. By the cross, Jesus draws all men to Him (Jn. 12:32-33). At the cross, we see how terrible sin is, and the price that had to be paid in order for man to receive the forgiveness of sins (II Cor. 5:20-21). How much more warning do we need? For the honest soul, this one barrier is enough to motivate him to turn from his wicked way and turn to Christ.

    When the truth is preached, another barrier is placed to keep souls out of Hell. If a gospel preacher does his job, he will warn people about the pain, torture, and eternal nature of Hell (Col. 1:28). If he does not do this, the blood of those sinners will be on his hands (Ezek. 3:17-21; Acts 20:20, 27).

    Many preachers do not want to talk about Hell. Their reason is that they would like to speak solely about “positive” things. (Thus, assuming that the warning and convicting of souls and turning them to Christ is not a positive thing.) This is wrong! Without warnings from God’s word, we will not know what dangers lie ahead (Acts 20:29-31)!  

    The truth must be preached over and over as warning to those who have not obeyed God, and to those who have fallen away (II Tim. 4:2-5; Gal. 5:4). The apostle Paul wrote, “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men” (II Cor. 5:11). Let us thank God for those who are willing to stand up and proclaim the Truth regardless of the consequences! This barrier will go far in preventing lost souls from entering into Hell.

-- You are invited to visit with the Caneyville church of Christ. Times of services: Sun.: 10:00 am, 10:45 am, 5:00 pm; Wed.: 7:00 pm. Website: Tune in to our radio program 101.5 FM at 5:30 am, Mon-Fri. Questions? Call: (270) 589-4167


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