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Jarrod Jacobs: “Straightway”

  I remember baptizing a dear lady into Christ. Before she was baptized, we studied from Acts 16:25-34 where it says among other things, that when the Philippian jailer heard the truth, “he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway” (Acts 16:33). She read the word “straightway” and asked what it meant. We focused on that word in our study and it was the best thing we could have done. 

The word “straightway” in the KJV is an important word. It denotes speed. Other Bible versions say “immediately”, “at once”, “right away”, “without delay”, and “presently.” What does the word “straightway” teach us about salvation?

First, we see that our salvation depends upon our action. Christ’s blood was shed for everyone (Matt. 20:28; Titus 2:11-12; Rom. 5:8) At the same time, our salvation depends upon our response to the Lord’s sacrifice. The Philippian jailer asked, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). The jailer recognized he had something to do. He was not the only one to ask this question. Folks in the New Testament recognized that they had to take action if they wished to be saved (Acts 2:37, 9:6, etc.). It is the same today. If we expect to be saved, we must take action (Heb. 5:8-9; Matt. 7:21)!

The Philippian also jailer saw the need for taking immediate action. In Acts 16:25, the apostle Paul and Silas were praying and singing at “midnight” before the earthquake occurred. After the earthquake, the jailer entered Paul and Silas’ cell and learned the gospel plan of salvation. Therefore, this man, after hearing the truth at midnight, determined he needed to be baptized into Christ for the remission of sins “immediately”! He did not use the lateness of the hour as an excuse for disobedience. Once he learned the truth (Acts 16:31-32), he responded “without delay” (v. 33).

Had this man waited until he felt it “convenient” (Acts 24:25), he might have never been saved from sin! The New Testament states clearly: “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (II Cor. 6:2). The reason for such urgency is because we do not have a lease on life (Prov. 27:1; Jas. 4:13-14). The jailer didn’t know if or when another earthquake was coming, and we don’t know what might happen in a day that would keep us from making our lives right with God. Friend, what is keeping you from being saved “straightway”?

The reason why folks like the Philippian jailer took action “straightway” is because there is no greater concern in life than the soul. Jesus asked: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matt. 16:26). If this does not tell us something about a soul’s value, then what does? Jesus shows us that one’s soul is worth more than anything in this world. Since this is true, why wouldn’t we respond to the gospel “right away”? To put it off is to take a great risk by assuming we will have yet another week, or another day, even another minute (Prov. 27:1; Jas. 4:14)!

What is hindering you from obeying the gospel (Acts 8:36)? Prepare your soul for eternity, and do so “immediately,” before it is everlastingly too late (Jn. 9:4; Ps. 90:8-10; Mk. 16:16)!

- You are invited to visit with the Caneyville church of Christ. Times of services: Sun.: 10:00 am, 10:45 am, 5:00 pm; Wed.: 7:00 pm. Website: Tune in to our radio program 101.5 FM at 5:30 am, Mon-Fri. Questions? Call: (270) 589-4167


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