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Jarrod Jacobs: “Did Paul Condone Alcohol?”

In the continued discussions about alcohol and what the Bible allows, it is good for us to walk through the New Testament and see what God said about this subject. The apostle Paul, who wrote the majority of the New Testament, condemned the use of alcohol in his writings. For example, the New Testament says drunkenness will lead us to Hell. This is not my opinion. Rather, these are the words of the inspired apostle Paul (I Cor. 14:37). Read Galatians 5:19-21 as well as I Corinthians 6:9-11. There, in those texts, we will see that drunkenness is condemned just like adultery, fornication, idolatry, murder, and many other sins are condemned. Read Ephesians 5:18 as well. No, Paul did not condone drinking alcohol.

    Sometimes, folks will argue that since the New Testament condemned “drunkenness,” that it is OK to drink “a little” alcohol. Folks will sometimes use I Timothy 5:23 as an example of this. First, please understand that the Bible does not allow recreational or social drinking in any amount (I Pet. 4:3-4). Therefore, let us read I Timothy 5:23 and see what it is saying.

    Paul wrote to Timothy and said, “Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.” The last phrase in this verse explains why Paul said “use a little wine.” He said it was for Timothy’s “stomach’s sake” and “infirmities” or illnesses. In other words, it is because Timothy had stomach or digestion problems! In this verse, notice Paul had to tell him to drink something besides water. Next, he said drink a “little” of it. Third, notice the purpose – it was because he was sick! Paul was not telling Timothy to kick back and drink a beer, or have a glass of wine with his meal, or get a drink after work. Paul was telling Timothy to use this wine as one would use a medicine. We do a similar thing today when we use Nyquil, Listerine, (these contain alcohol) or other medicinal products in our lives. Paul was telling Timothy to take a medicine in order to get well.

    Friends, we are aware that this county has been in an upheaval about alcohol sales this year. Those who campaigned for alcohol sales lost in a fair election earlier in 2016, but now it has come up once more and there is yet another “wet/dry” vote that is set for September in Woodbury, Morgantown, and Rochester. Friends, has the argument all this year been about whether or not this county would legalize medicine? There have been “wet/dry” votes on the ballots in many counties in Kentucky this year. Have they all been arguing and voting over whether or not to provide medicine for the sick? If this is not the reason for the upcoming vote, then why bring up I Timothy 5:23 at all? Paul’s words to Timothy were concerning a medicinal use, and are not some Biblical justification for selling alcohol in liquor stores, etc.

    Friends, it is imperative that we see that there is spiritual danger associated with drinking alcohol. The Bible does not condone it. Therefore, to have it “legalized” in this area, or anywhere else, just means man has legalized what God has condemned. No, this is not the first time this has happened in our country or in the world, but let us not do that with this subject. Let us go back to the Bible and find godly ways to spend our money and run our county.

 -- Jarrod Jacobs preaches with the Caneyville church of Christ in Caneyville, KY. He can be reached at (270) 589-4167.


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