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Jarrod Jacobs: “The Alcohol Vote”

As those of us in Butler county are aware, there is a vote coming up on January 26, concerning whether or not to allow the sale of alcoholic drinks. What does the Bible say? Those who have followed this column know that we have published what the Bible says about alcohol consumption on multiple occasions (Prov. 20:1, 23:29-35; Gal. 5:21; I Pet. 4:3-4; etc.). We have also written on this subject in the last couple months since this vote is coming up. In this article, I would like to look at three arguments that have been made in favor of alcohol sales in this county and compare them with what the Bible says. I hope that this study will help us see that voting to allow alcohol sales is not going to make this county better.

    One argument says that alcohol is being consumed in this county, anyway, so why not make it legal? From a Biblical standpoint, God has condemned the recreational use of alcohol (I Pet. 4:3-4; Prov. 23:29-35). Therefore, this argument is akin to someone saying, “Folks are going to commit a sin anyway, so why not just legalize it and not condemn it anymore?”

    The argument encouraging us to legalize alcohol since folks in this county already drink it may sound good at first. Yet, this kind of reasoning, carried to its logical end, could allow the legalization of all drugs, not just alcohol. How so? Put simply, if we can legalize alcohol sales due to the fact that folks in this county drink, why not also legalize “meth,” heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and other illegal drugs since they are already being used in this county? What will we say if some group starts a petition to make those drugs legal as well? After all, folks are doing it anyway, right? For those who want legalize alcohol but not the others, I ask “Why not”? We can legalize all “illegal” drugs on the very same argument: “Folks are doing it anyway.” For those who think my reasoning is wrong, remember there are a growing number of states that have now made marijuana legal! It is not that far-fetched.

    Another argument used is that since other counties to the north and south of us have legalized alcohol sales, why not us? The Bible shows us the folly in justifying something based upon the fact that others are doing it. For example, God told the Israelites, “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil” (Ex. 23:2). A similar thing was said by Solomon in Proverbs 1:10. As we study the rest of the Bible, we see where God does not want folks justifying their actions based upon the notion that “someone else” is already doing it! The people in I Samuel 8 rejected God because they wanted a king to “be like the nations round about us.” This demand led to the downfall of the Israelite nation by II Kings 25.

    In addition to this, for those who think it is a good idea to have alcohol sales since other counties are selling alcohol, are we ready to accept the problems that come with it? Folks want to speak of the “benefits” (?) of alcohol sales in strictly monetary/business terms, but is this really the only thing to consider when making such a decision (I Tim. 6:10)? Who is ready to discuss the problems brought into a county when alcohol is legalized? Do we really want to be like counties round about us who have to deal with the problems connected with alcohol sales and consumption? Why are folks wishing to add problems to this county? I think we have enough already.

    Some have noted that the 21st amendment to the Constitution repealed Prohibition in this land. True, but is this a valid reason for alcohol sales in Butler County? Let us be reminded that just because something is legal, it does not make it right or moral. For example, murdering babies (i.e. abortion) is “legal” in this country. Does this mean it is accepted by God? No! (Prov. 6:16-17; Rom. 13:9; etc.) Legalizing a sin does not make it correct, or moral. Remember, our standard in this life needs to be the Bible (I Pet. 4:11). It is God’s word that will be our standard of judgment on the last day (Jn. 12:48). Let us remember these things as we prepare to vote. There is no Scriptural justification for voting to legalize alcohol in this county.

-- You are invited to visit with the Caneyville church of Christ. Times of services: Sun.: 10:00 am, 10:45 am, 5:00 pm; Wed.: 7:00 pm. Website: Tune in to our radio program 101.5 FM at 5:30 am, Mon-Fri. Questions? Call: (270) 589-4167


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