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Jarrod Jacob: Eternity Is Long

In last week’s article, we studied about the Bible’s teaching concerning the brevity of life upon this earth. Passages like Ecclesiastes 9:5, James 4:14, and Ephesians 5:16 make it clear that our lives are brief at its longest while we are upon this planet. In contrast, there is an eternity to come. This eternity is not limited in any way, and thus will continue on and on. This fact is something we need to “lay to heart” (Ecc. 7:2). Yes, in the Bible there is an eternity with God that is promised, and an eternity away from God that is promised. Where we end up one day depends upon how we conduct ourselves now. What does the Bible say about eternity?

    To begin, the Bible describes people entering “everlasting punishment” or entering “life eternal” based upon how we live right now (Matt. 25:46). In Jesus’ picture of the Judgment Day, He describes people belonging to one of two groups, those on the “right hand” and those on the “left” (Matt. 25:33). From here, folks are told to come to the Lord or depart from Him, depending upon how they lived on earth (Matt. 25:34, 41). Going with Jesus means enjoying “life eternal”, but being cast away from Jesus means receiving “everlasting punishment” (Matt. 25:46).

    Notice that the terms “everlasting” and “eternal” are used in Matthew 25:46. However, they mean the same thing. One place is not going to last any less time than the other. In fact, eternity is described as something without end. I believe a good description of eternity was given in the song, “Amazing Grace.” In verse five, it says, “When we’re been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun; We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun.” This statement no doubt fills us with hope and encouragement. However, remember there is an eternity that lasts just as long where there is darkness, weeping, gnashing of teeth, and torment (Matt. 13:41-42; Mk. 9:44, 46, 48).

    As we learned last week, this world will end, but this does not mean that we go out of existence! Those who have died do not cease to exist (Matt. 22:32). We will continue to exist in eternity. The question is where? After the Judgment Day, will we spend an eternity with God or with Satan? This is what we need to ponder. Rest assured, we will not escape an eternal home.

    Knowing that eternity is long, and I will either have eternal bliss with God in Heaven, or eternal torment away from God in Hell, what can I do to have the assurance of an eternity with God? My eternal hope and promise of Heaven is contingent upon my becoming a Christian and getting my soul right with God. How can this be done? I do this by believing that Jesus is the Son of God, repenting of sin, confessing my faith, and being baptized for the remission of sin (Jn. 8:24; Lk. 13:3; Rom. 10:10; Mk. 16:16). Then, so long as I live upon this earth, I need follow the Lord as a faithful disciple (I Cor. 15:58; Rev. 2:10; etc.). In so doing, I can prepare my soul for the eternity that is to come. Are you a Christian? Is your soul prepared for eternity? If not, contact me.

-- You are invited to visit with the Caneyville church of Christ. Times of services: Sun.: 10:00 am, 10:45 am, 5:00 pm; Wed.: 7:00 pm. Website: Tune in to our radio program 101.5 FM at 5:30 am, Mon-Fri. Questions? Call: (270) 589-4167


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