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How is Crime Stoppers Anonymous?

The Call
Tipster calls the answering service in Canada (for the purpose of total confidentiality) and provides the operator with their information. NO CALLER ID IS USED. Tipster is given a Law Enforcement Coordinator’s information for follow up.
The Reward
Tipster’s info goes electronically from the operator to a management program.

Tipster calls Law Enforcement Coordinator

for follow-up and provides a fake name for reward purposes. If an arrest is made, the tip is eligible for a reward.

The Exchange

The Law Enforcement Coordinator provides the fake name information to the bank. The tipster goes to the bank drive thru and provides them with the fake name so that they can pick up their cash reward.

The Structure of Crime Stoppers
 Calls are accepted regarding any publicized request for information, such as “Crime of the Week” or  such other crime(s) the caller has knowledge of.

By guaranteeing a caller’s anonymity, Crime Stoppers allows the caller to give information in a positive atmosphere without the prospect of retribution. By offering cash rewards for information leading to indictment or arrests, the program encourages otherwise reluctant callers to provide information.

 South Central Kentucky Crime Stoppers is organized as a not for profit organization. A civilian community board of directors provides direction as to the financial and promotional activities of the program. The board of directors enhances the community involvement aspect, and its function is vital to the program’s success.

The Funding of Crime Stoppers
The Crime Stoppers program is funded by private donations and fund raising. NO TAX DOLLARS are involved. The reward money paid out by the program is from the fund raising and donations from concerned citizens and businesses. All donations to South Central Kentucky Crime Stoppers are


A community board of directors, made up of persons from throughout the area, meets on a monthly basis to evaluate arrests and to decide on the size of rewards to be paid, up to $1,000.

For more information about the South Central Kentucky Crime Stoppers program, please email [email protected]


866-842-CLUE (2583)



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