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Healthy Eating by Shelby Shelby

Be Aware of Cross Contamination

Cross contamination happens when a raw food, like raw meat or eggs, touches a ready-to-eat food, like a prepared salad or side. Raw meat and eggs harbor germs that can cause illness unless cooked. As a result, raw meat and eggs should be stored away from anything you are ready to eat or that won’t be cooked. Follow these tips to help prevent foodborne illness from cross contamination:


When shopping for meat at the grocery store, be sure to place meat in plastic bags and store away from other foods in the cart to prevent contamination.


Place raw meat in a separate grocery bag at checkout.


When cooking, use separate cutting boards and plates for raw meat.


Don’t use wood cutting boards or worn cutting boards that are hard to clean when working with raw meat products.


In the refrigerator, store all raw meat on the bottom shelf or in a drawer of the refrigerator by itself. This prevents the meat or its juices from contaminating nearby foods.


 Avoid rinsing off raw meat, like chicken, in the sink. Rinsing raw meat can spread germs throughout your kitchen as the water splashes off the meat.


Consider what utensils have handled the raw meat. Use new or cleaned utensils to handle cooked meat or any other fully cooked foods.


Wash your hands any time you handle raw meats before touching any kitchen surfaces, utensils, or ready to eat foods.


Thoroughly clean and sanitize counters, utensils, cutting boards, or plates used in the handling of raw meat.


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