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Healthy Eating by Shelby Shelby

Have you heard about your gut microbiome?

Did you know that there are over 100 trillion bacteria living in your digestive tract? These microbes are called your gut microbiome and researchers are finding that they play a role in your health. A healthy gut microbiome can make nutrients, like vitamin K and healthy fats, that have important roles in the body. These healthy bacteria also protect you from unhealthy, or pathogenic, bacteria that cause you to become ill. Your gut microbiome may also play a role in certain diseases. Research has suggested that

irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease may be associated with an imbalance of healthy and unhealthy gut bacteria. Currently research is looking into the relationship between obesity, allergies, and type 2 diabetes and the gut microbiome.

So, how can you help your gut microbiome stay healthy? Diet plays a role in what kind of bacteria are in your digestive tract—healthy or unhealthy. Prebiotics are fibers that feed healthy bacteria and are found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as prebiotic supplements. Following the MyPlate guidelines, buying whole grain breads and pastas, and having your five servings of fruits and vegetables a day are great ways to stock up on food sources of prebiotics. Fermented foods, like yogurt, kefir,

kombucha, or sauerkraut, may also provide your digestive tract with healthy bacteria. However, if these fermented foods have been heated, these foods may not have live cultures. Lastly, probiotics are supplements that contain healthy bacteria. Taking probiotics may help improve your gut microbiome, but there needs to be more research before we can recommend one probiotic over another.


To learn more about following the MyPlate guidelines for a healthy diet, visit If you are interested in learning more about how diet plays a role in your gut microbiome, consult with your physician or a registered dietitian.


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