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HAH: It Only Takes One Bite

The mosquito is a small but mighty pest that most of us encounter when the weather turns warm and we spend more time outdoors. And because fur doesn’t stop mosquitoes from biting cats and dogs, they get attacked, too. Unfortunately, there’s more at risk for pets from
mosquito bites than the itching we endure. Because mosquitoes transmit heartworm disease, just one bite can be deadly to a pet.
1. How do dogs and cats get heartworm disease?

• There’s only one way — through a mosquito bite.It cannot be spread from one pet to another.
• Mosquitoes become infected by biting an animal
that has the disease.
• The infected mosquito then bites a dog or cat and passes microscopic, infective larvae to them.
• If the pet is not on a heartworm preventive all year, the larvae mature and multiply, causing damage to the heart and lungs.

2. Is it true cats don’t get heartworm disease?
• Cats can get heartworm disease from a mosquito bite, just like dogs. It is true that cats tend to have significantly fewer adult heartworms than dogs when infected, but the infection is no less serious.
3. Can indoor pets get heartworm disease?
• Yes, mosquitoes frequently get inside our homes.It only takes one bite for a cat or dog to become infected, so any exposure to mosquitoes
— inside or outside — puts a pet at risk.
4. How can I prevent my pet from getting heartworm disease?
• The best way to prevent this potentially fatal disease is to use and keep your pet on
preventive all year.
• It’s also important to have your pet tested once a year.
• Talk to your veterinarian if you have any questions about heartworm disease and how to best protect your pet.


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