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Green Valley Vision

Life is uncertain and unpredictable. Throughout God’s Word we are reminded of that by passages such as James 4:14 which compares our life to a vapor that “… appears for a little time and then vanishes away. “. How True!  We are young and then before we can grasp the passing of years, we are old. I have asked two or three people recently, “why are my doctors and physical therapists younger than me?”   It is overwhelmingly an often unwelcome truth!

In Bible class (and I hope you will be there Sunday) we are thinking of folks we know who need to obey the Gospel.  We’re making a list. Why?  Because we care? Yes. But we are debtors to bring others to Christ. Is it your responsibility to share the Good News?  You better believe it is. We are All debtors. We owe that to everyone. 

Now, the Bible is packed with references to the power of example and influence.  In Matthew 5:13 we are called the salt of the earth, and in 5:14 we are referred to as the light of the world. Then in Matthew 5:16 Jesus tells us to “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.”  We provide the best example, not to get a pat on the back (though it is important to encourage others in doing good), but we want to point to God so He can be honored. 

Are you committed to God?  Show it as best you can. Read your Bible. Attend Bible class. Participate in worship. Show concern for your community. Convert the lost. When you don’t, it reveals that you don’t think spiritual matters are all that important. And, everyone who sees your example will see what matters to you most of all. Get converted and convert others. Be the best example you can provide. In Him, Kenny

Please join us in Bible Study Sunday. 10 am. Worship 11 am. 8141 Brownsville Rd. Morgantown, Ky.  7 miles from Roundhill.   Have a great day!


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