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Green River NSDAR March Meeting

Casey Porter presented a program on Martha Washington - Indispensable Woman at the March meeting of the Green River Chapter NSDAR.  March is Women in American History Month and the chapter studied about one of the most important women ever, in American History, the 1st, First Lady and her importance to her husband and his troops during the Revolution.  Casey is a full time student at WKU and a member of the Green River Chapter.

Regent Melanie Hunt welcomed nine (9) members, three (3) prospective members and one (1) C.A.R. member.  Anita Daugherty acted as chaplain in the absence of Chaplain Mary Elder.

Shelia Hunt gave the Conservation Minute on the massive waste accumulated in the Pacific Ocean from the Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami.  One of the things she said that we could do is to not release any more balloons into the atmosphere, because they end up in the ocean and entangled in the other debris.  Fish are eating the plastic particles that contain poisonous chemicals and then we eat the fish.

Plans were revealed and voted on to hold an area DAR meeting to promote Andrea's Mission and study about the Constitution.  


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