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FISCAL COURT: Medical cannabis clarified; 911 server issues addressed

Butler County Fiscal Court met on Tuesday, May 28, at the courthouse. All magistrates attended: Stevie Givens, Kevin Phelps, Allen Smith, David Whittinghill, and Dillon Bryant.


Old Business:

The court amended the ordinance dealing with medical cannabis. In their last meeting, they had approved the ordinance. After talking to several other judges and state officials, Judge/Executive Tim Flener recommended a resolution instead of an ordinance. The court approved the resolution, and the sale of medical cannabis will be placed on the fall ballot.CLICK HERE FOR RESOLUTION Medical Cannabis Resolution 04222024.docx


New Business:

The court approved the second reading of the 2025 budget.CLICK HERE FOR BUDGET Butler_County_Budget_FY25_Final.docx

Judge Flener informed the court about the 911 issues.  

"The server has crashed, and we had to go back to analog phone answering," said Flener. "We are trying to fast-track our E911 Grant to replace the server."

According to Judge Flener, the county needs to set up a backup system for the E911 for approximately five months until the new service can be set up. The court approved the $6,800 cost of the system.

The court also approved the Jail HB556 Contract for 2025-26, which deals with the programs and classes offered to jail inmates.

Charlie Tomes, Emergency Management Director, asked the court for a magnetic spotlight with a remote for his truck. He stated that it would be very helpful during storms and power failures. The court approved the purchase up to $800.

Judge Flener informed the court of a large tree on Boston School Road that split during the storms and is laying on a cedar tree over a home. Flener said the county did not have the proper equipment to remove the tree without damaging the house. The court approved the hiring of a professional tree service.

The court appointed Angie Pendley as county treasurer and approved removing Rebecca Jacobs from the signature cards at Morgantown Bank & Trust. After the meeting, the court thanked Mrs. Jacobs for serving the county and celebrated with a cake.

The court unanimously approved the following:

--Payment of $50 to Sheriff's Department for 2022 tax audit correction of voided bill

--Emergency Management Budget

--Liter Abatment payment to Pleasant Rock Church

--Insurance reimbursed to 4th District VFD is $15,466.95

--Acceptance of preapproved expenses for FY25

--Bills and transfers

--Transfer $35,000 from the General Fund to the Jail Fund

--Treasurer's Final Settlement

--Payment for two portapotties for Green River Ramble is $150, and cleaning of portapotty at Woodbury Museum is $75



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