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Fiscal Court, on a 3-2 vote, moves to link salary bumps to CPI; $300k ambulance box bid approved on 4-1 vote

Butler County Fiscal Court met at the courthouse on Monday, June 26. All magistrates were in attendance:  Stevie Givens, Kevin Phelps, Allen Smith, David Whittinghill, and Dillon Bryant.  

Under old business, Butler County Attorney Michele Duvall updated the court on her request for a Victim Advocate for her office. According to Duvall, the position will be a state employee, thus increasing the cost to the court to $12,167.  

The court approved a bid for the ambulance box at $300,000 by a 4-1 vote, with Fourth District Magistrate David Whittinghill voting against it. Whittinghill's concern was the fact the court only received one quote. The proposal goes from a remount to a new box on the new truck.

Judge/Executive Tim Flener recommended that the county take bids for the dump truck for the road department. Second District Magistrate Kevin Phelps made a motion and David Whittinghill seconded the motion. Fifth District Magistrate Dillion Bryant and Third District Magistrate Allen Smith voted against it.  The measure passed on a 3-2 vote.

Magistrate Whittinghill motioned to change the county's Administrative Code concerning the number of bids required for a project. Whittinghill asked to change bids from one to at least two per request.  His motion was approved.

Whittinghill asked that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) automatically be added to the magistrates' salary yearly as it is done with other elected officials. His proposal will make this CPI-salary increase a part of the county's administrative code. Currently, any increase in pay requires an annual vote by the court. The motion passed 3-2, with Magistrates Bryant and Smith voting against it. The first reading of the a newly-revised county administrative code has been approved. The second reading and approval is set for the July 10 regular meeting of the court. For context, the current CPI is 6.5 percent.

In new business, the court went into closed session.  Upon its return, magistrates approved the hiring of Mike Brachter and Matt Hunt for the road department at $14 per hour.

County Attorney Michele Duvall informed the court the bankruptcy attorney, recently hired by the magistrates, had declined the job. The court approved Duvall to find a new attorney before the July 9 hearing.

The court permitted Judge Flener to sign a letter stating that Butler County is interested in the former Green River Boys' Camp property for the proposed regional jail.

The court declined to pay a bill from Clean Kentucky for damage done to a port-a-potty for Morgantown Trail Town's event on the Green River.

Judge Flener announced that the property in Morgantown (Coleman property) has officially been purchased for the proposed justice center.

The Court approved the FY '24 salary schedule for county employees.

The Court approved the following additional items:

--Reapportionment Board Compensation- $100 per meeting per member up to 4 meetings

--Purchase a copier for County Clerk with Document Storage Fees of $6,319.81

--Payment for Clerk Software for elections $63,760  ( grant for $35,000)

--Jail Arraignment Equipment Grant $40,746.28 for Zoom Court Meetings

--Purchase a hitch($699) and bedliner for Road Department Truck

--Permission for Jail to purchase lawn mower trailer with commissary funds

--Bills and transfers

--Reappoint treasurer Becky Jacobs

--Lease agreement with Drug Court - take out janitorial requirements

--Litter abatement payments

--Transfer $50,000 from General Fund to Jail Fund

--Transfer $25,000 from General Fund to E-911


Magistrate Dillon Bryant informed the Court that the Fifth District VFD had received a grant for $41,00 and would be purchasing new hoses, seven AEDs and CPR training equipment.


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