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Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency in Cats

Feline Leukemia (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) are both caused by Retroviruses.  Both viruses cause permanent infections that cause suppression of the immune system.  Both viruses are seen commonly in the cat population.

FeLV is commonly referred to as a friendly cat disease.  It is spread by close contact such as: sharing water bowls, grooming, and can be passed from mother to her kittens thru the placenta and the milk.  Clinical signs can vary from no apparent symptoms to fever, lethargy, enlarged lymph nodes, cancer, weight loss, diarrhea, mouth infections, anemia, and increased susceptibility to infection.  There is no treatment available to eliminate the infection.  Healthy FeLV-positive cats do not require any treatment, but should be kept indoors and isolated from other cats.  Sick FeLV-positive cats should get supportive treatment appropriate for the signs seen.  It is recommended when you get a new cat or when they have been exposed to a FeLV positive cat they should be tested for FeLV and then vaccinated yearly if negative.

FIV is often called a fighting cat disease.  It is spread by close contact most frequently bite wounds, but the virus can also be passed from mother to kitten by the placenta.  Clinical signs can vary from no clinical signs to fever, enlarged lymph nodes, lethargy, infections of the mouth, neurologic signs, uveitis, and severe immune suppression.  Like FeLV there is no treatment proven to eliminate the infection.  FIV-positive healthy cats don’t require any treatment, but should be kept indoors and isolated from other cats.  FIV-positive sick cats should get supportive treatment appropriate for the signs seen.  It is recommended when you get a new cat or when they have been exposed to an FIV positive cat they should be tested.  Vaccination for FIV is not recommended because the vaccine doesn’t provide 100% protection.

Brought to you by Heritage Animal Hospital


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