Electric Fencing for Serious Graziers
Electric Fencing for Serious Graziers: Installation and Troubleshooting Fencing School Event – June 12th
Submitted By: Greg Drake II, County Extension Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources
Join us for the upcoming Electric Fencing for Serious Graziers – Fencing School on Wednesday, June 12th at the Butler County Extension Service from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
This hands-on class will cover installation and troubleshooting with electric fencing.
Registration cost is $35.00 and is limited to the first 30 participants. Register online at: https://2024ElectricFencing.eventbrite.com or by calling/emailing Caroline Roper at 270-704-2254 or [email protected].
For more information contact the Butler County Extension Office of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service at 102 Parkway Lane, Morgantown or by calling 270-526-3767.
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