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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

Some things that come to mind now that I’m looking at 83 years:
    We tend not to see things as they are; we see things as we are.
    Too many times I’m disappointed when I see celebrities interviewed on TV.  Recently I heard a well-known person say his “religion” was that he believed in “karma”- he went on to say, “what goes around comes around.”  I looked this “karma” up in the dictionary.  It is from, Buddhism and Hinduism.  Loosely translated as fate or destiny.  I’m reminded of what my daddy used to say, “Some religions may be all right to live by, but are they all right to die by?” I’ll say this; I would hate to stand before my Lord in the Judgment and tell Him I believed in Karma.  I would hate to hang hope for my soul on fate or destiny. 
    Some of the best sermons are short and sweet.  I’ll end this one likewise:  whether in plenty or poverty, we travel between two eternities.  Either we elect to walk with God on this journey, or without Him.  Regardless, God is there at the beginning, and at the end.
    Remember: Always drink up- stream of the herd.
                            Kindest regards…


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