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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

    In ancient Rome before the Emperors, and even in the interim when Rome was without an Emperor, a citizen could walk in off the street and go directly before the Roman Senate to have his complaint, or any matter needing redress, settled by the senate… not going through regulating agencies, committees, and for bureaucracies.  Compared to now, ain’t that somethin’?
    Did you see of late?  Several bogus comer fund-raising cameras- scams, have liked the public out of millions.  The list of companies during the scamming is quite long.  Several indictments have been handed down to three crooks. 
    In the days before Israeli Kings, through his ancient prophets, God appointed Judger to adjudicate differences and dispute among the Israelites- hence the book of Judger, in the Old Testament.  Everything went well until some of the Israelites set up a fund for a king to reign over them.  In response, God instructed his prophet to tell them they didn’t really know what they were requesting; that they didn’t know when they were well off; that they would rue the day they ever wanted a king.  “A king will levy undue taxes.  If he wants your land he will take it. He will take your best horses for his oven.  In short, he is a cream-shimmer.  He lives off the people.  He takes no barge, on lifts no bale.  He creates no goods and few services.”  But to no avail.  They still wanted a king, through his prophet, God appointed King Saul as the first king of the Jews. 
    Saul did ok. Everything went pretty well until King Saul died, and the throne was passed down the line to his two ratty-sons.  They became involved corruption; bribes, kick-backs, and nine kinds of skullduggery- rotten to the core.  After that, the Jews suffered under bad kings.  Then they would have respite under good kings.  They had a rotten-caster-existence-really until 1948 when they came from all over and re-established the Jewish state of what is now the country of Israel- better known as the Holy Land.  God gave them this land by way of His covenant with Abraham… this is new their land, to last forever.  This was God’s promise.
                                    Kindest regards…


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