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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

‘While back I gave a young man my chain saw. It still ran good.  It had a right new cutter bar.  I had added electronic initiation which cost very little.  The young man needed work; I wanted to help him.  I hadn’t needed the saw after we quit burning wood; that was a good while.  It cost me practically nothing to give it away. Fact is I was a little glad to see it go-cutting wood even with a chain saw is still hard work (hold on, this may somewhere).  I was feeling pretty good about giving my saw away.  Then my friend Kenneth started collecting old bicycles, repairing them to almost like-new, and giving them away to kids.  Then another guy I knew about, named Kenneth, gave his airplane away to a fellow needing quick transportation.  But before he let the plane go, he had the engine completely hauled.  This cost him plenty.  A friend named Daryl gave his valuable guitar to a foreign exchange student before she left to go back home.  We read in the Biblical passage, 2-Samuel, 24, where David became king of Israel, a plaque had come upon his people, and David felt he needed to pray big-time for that the plaque to be lifted.  The lord told David to go to this fellow named Arunah, who owned threshing floor, and erect an altar there; offer a burnt offering and pray.  Arunah was very receptive to the request and said, “For your prayer meeting, I’ll even throw in the work ox, and tools to cut wood for your offering fire… whatever you need.”  “NO”, David said. “I’ll not use your threshing floor without paying for it.”  The clincher: “I will not make an offering to the Lord my God which costs me nothing.”  So David bought the whole outfit from Arunah for 50 sheckels of silver… around $6,000.
                            Kindest regards… 


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