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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

Someone said we have two lives: the one we learn with, and, the one we live with afterward.  That’s true, to a certain extent.  We still learn some things “in the life afterward.”
I suppose all of us at times say to ourselves or to our family members maybe, “Oh my.  Why didn’t I know that?” or, “after all these years, why in the name of common sense did that not dawn on me?”
My old friends, Latney Ragland made one of the most profound statements I ever heard, on this: he said, “I have finally learned that my wife says something, I’ll say; the more I think about it, I think you are exactly right.”
After my learning years; in my “living years”, I reflect back to the former and see both the positive and negative.  Naturally; that’s the way the world is- but you knew that.  For example, if folks grew up in homes full of strife and prejudice; they are more than likely to exhibit their attitudes themselves...not that God can’t change them. 
If parents were not tolerant of people of a different race, it’s likely their children will be the same.  My daddy always said, “Negro.”  Back then it was not acceptable by the Negro race to be called “black.” It is now.  As I have said before my daddy was in business: grocery, hardware, appliances, feeds, seeds, cough drops, and buttons; blasting caps, overshoes, overalls, long underwear with a flap and a button, on the backside.  You name it.
 We had lots of black folk’s customers.  He treated them all the same.  He had just as soon stop and talk to a black friend on the street as a white friend.  He’s only problem was, if he were headed to the bank, or somewhere pressing, he would talk too long, and likely have to go back next day.  Someone said that we tend to judge a race of people by its least worthy members.  That’s bad enough, however the worst part is some people judge only on the fact that, “they are not like us.”  I once heard a Baptist deacon say, those Mexicans don’t have any business playing on our city-park tennis courts” I can say this because I am a Baptist.
One of the more fair-minded church members asked him why.  He didn’t have a good answer.  More than likely this deacon learned this at home growing up. “Train up a child in the way he should go.”  The key word: “should”. 
I learned this many times in my learning years at home.  In my living years I began to fully realize the Bible has ALL the answers.  My parents told me before.  I’ll stop.  I hope, as Baxter Black would say, the most of what I said was, “On the edge of common sense.”  I think I love you more now than I did Before I had amnesia.
Kindest regards……


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