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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

“Iss” and “AT”
--How good is GPS?
    Fellow came to my house; “Are you Fuzz Goodwin,” he asked. “No,” I said. “Well my GPS says this is Fuzz’s house” he argued.
    “Well,” I said, “You’d better do whatever it is you do to make that thing stop lying to you; Fuzz lives about a mile over yonder – way.” I pointed. Some satellite is off-course maybe?
-speaking of space; we’ve been to the moon. Now from all indications NASA and the politicians are gearing up to try to go to Mars. More taxpayers’ $. SERIOUS money. No telling what it is now, but back at the beginning of the space program they told us, just to get that big “Roman Candle” off the launching pad was a whopping 400 million…just to light the fuse, that is.
- growing up most of us was taught it was unmannerly to grab. We said ‘get’ or ‘pick-up’, or, ‘take your coat – it’s cold.’ We certainly didn’t grab at the dinner table unless we wanted a pretty stern correction.
    Now it’s grab this and grab that… everything is grab. I think it shows how busy we all are – or want to perceived to be.
    Somehow “busy” denotes importance. If you’re not busy, you’re not important, or of no account. You ask most folks how they are; “busy” they say. “I have to GRAB and go”… many times coming from nowhere and going no place.
-Are we too specialized? Recently first wife Bett had what is called a mini-stroke, in a doctor’s office (she’s much better now – no permanent damage). I know that’s right; she’s back ordering me around.
The doctor’s nure asked me if my wife has any aspirin in her purse. “we don’t keep and aspirin here,” she said. What? No aspirin in a doctor’s office?
    I didn’t chastise the doctor; I kindly asked him why a doctor’s office kept no aspirin on hand. “I am a specialist” he said.
    Recently I asked my druggist why potassium was always kept on the lowest shelf. “it’s hard for some of us to get up and down any more”, I said, “older folks take a lot of potassium.”
    Most druggists can’t say why. One said, “I don’t stock the shelves. Somebody else does that.” I wanted to say (but I didn’t) even grumpy old Marvin Wells, our druggist back in my hometown, used to stock his own shelves.”
Kindest regards…


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