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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

Dress: the noun, not the verb.Men are wearing black pants more and more; on TV, and about any place you look. Women have been wearing black pants for some time now. I asked a young woman, whom I knew well, why? I thought I knew the answer; sometimes my horns pop out through my halo (dang my mean soul). She said “women think black pants make them look thinner.”
Does this really work? It’s debatable. For all-ready-thin women I suppose it does. However first wife Bett and I were watching TV when this real corpulent woman walked by. She was a good 2.5 ax handles across the backside- she was wearing black pants.
Bett remarked, “doesn’t she look thin?” now men have taken this up. Why not? They are dying their hair and wearing BANGS. Bangs don’t go good on a made over 10.
Some men wear pantyhose for particular purposes. A he-man-tough-guy I know wears pantyhose. He rides horseback a lot in winter. “They are the best things in the world for keeping your legs warm,” he said, “I just hope I never have to go to the emergency room.” He added.
Men, a checked shirt on a striped shirt needs a solid tie. A striped shirt doesn’t need a striped tie. Neither does a striped suit. Too much stripe.
By the same token a short man doesn’t need a Windsor (wide) tie knot. Makes you look shorter – ‘course you may enjoy looking squatty. If you don’t, learn to tie a longer fore in hand knot…gives you little more stretch.
Clothing manufacturers now are trying to get men to wear short, suit coats. They are cheating; some men are falling for it – they think it’s fashionable. A short, “butt-coat” DOESN’T TAKE AS MUCH MATERIAL….if you’ll pardon my crossness. A suit coat ought to cover your backside.
And for Heaven’s sake, if you wear a tie PULL THE KNOT ALL THE WAY UP. Punk Rockers started that tacky, askew, low-hanging-knot look. Now I notice some young, cute, TV preachers have latched-on to this fashion. Beats me why a preacher wants to look like a punk rocker.
I am seeing younger men wearing suspenders now. Got me a nice pair for my 80th birthday – planning on wearing them to my granddaughter’s wedding in November.
Stand tall. Look sharp. Men, don’t wear white socks with a Sunday suit.
“but Lord. I never wear a leisure suit.”
Kindest regards.


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