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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

"Say what?"
"What does your neck say about you?"  This from a TV beauty ad.  Another is "Up until now t he beauty industry has done nothing for women's necks."  Well maybe an ugly neck is hard to do anything with.
Recently a basketball sportscaster said, "He(that player) has the ability to make ton of dirty baskets."  Just what is a dirty basket?  Reckon that net needs washing?
Someone said if salvation came in box carnal man would have tendency to throw away contents of the box and worship the box.  God said, "Worship me, not the trees."  The ancient Jews were the first to separate God and nature.  " The Lord was not in the wind or the earthquake or the fire, but in a still small voice.  (I Kings 19:12).
David is a prince of a man, mice and helpful to everyone--a day brightener.  David a a star college basketball player, but didn't make it to the pros.  But David is what Oswald Chambers calls "being holy on ordinary streets".  David takes care of shopping carts at a discount store.
We can't rely on emotions to tell us the truth.  I'm terribly afraid of snakes--I've encountered many in my life.  When I see a belt laying around, my emotions tell me it's a snake.  My common sense says "no, it's a belt."  But I take it and hang it up anyway.
Rule keeping can give us a false sense of the Gospel.  We don't want to work for God and forget to worship Him.
You know the toughest scripture to obey-one of the toughest anyway: "Love will hardly notice when others do it wrong. (I Cor. 13-8).  I once visited a person with terminal cancer.  He said, "If somebody does something bad to me.  It may take me 20 years, but I'll get them back."  I went away sad.  He was dead in less than a month.
I notice TV and movies are trying to bring back some old comic strip characters.  We had Batman some years back and he is back now.  Some are making it back;some aren't.  I understand the new Long Ranger movie didn't do well.
My first coloring book was "The Lone Ranger."  I loved it.  But sometimes in my child like mind I worried and wondered where he went to the bathroom.  "A fiery horse and a cloud of dust, and a hearty "Hi-Ho silver."  Growing up we listened to him the radio every night.  He was played by Brace Beamer.  I'm 99% sure Brace was later killed in a car wreck.
Don't always go to the top if you need to know something.  Old Joe Kennedy(John's daddy) and a millionaire learned more about the ups and downs of the stock market from his shoeshine boy than any place else.  At one time there were shoeshine stands up and down Wall Street.  "The shine boys heard things and 'for a generous tip they would pass the info. along," Old Joe said.
It's easier to make men into slaves than to make slaves into free men.  Ask Moses?  The Children of Israel, when brought out of captivity in Egypt, wandered in the wilderness 40 years, yet they were only 11 miles from the Promised Land.  They still were of a slave mentality.
Have you hugged a goat today?


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