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Don Locke; Lookin Thru Bifocals

The things that define us- large and small:

-Former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill played his own funeral. When it came off, at close, a trumpeter played TAPS (“goodnight here”)- then REVILEE (“good morning up there”)

-When Franklin Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover, in 1933; in their first private meeting, Roosevelt mentioned he needed to go see a friend, first off.

“You have got it all unary, Mister President.” Hoover told him.

“You should let him come to see you,”

“Well, ill go first, this time” Franklin said, “I am his president too.” Franklin said. Pride was not one of his faults. He did not have to show his superiority.

-Cowboy star, Roy Rodger favorite SOAPY war for men, guiding light.

-President, General Ford, coached Yale’s boxing team. He and Mrs. Ford held hands and prayed each night before sleeping.

-President Truman went to a Klu-Klux-Klan meeting once when he was a county judge in Missouri. Later he was accused of being a member of the klu-klux-klan. He was only snooping.

-My wife, Bett’s Aunt Lois was pretty all her life, but she was never satisfied with her hair on her flat “backside.” So, she assorted her a set of antifire buns. When, Bett’s brother-in-law first met Aunt Lois, he asked his wife, Martha,

“Is there something wrong with your aunt’s hips? They don’t move when she walks.”

-President Lyndon Johnson used all fashioned red nose hair all on his hair, all country boys did. That is all.


Kindest Regards…


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