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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

I once read where a writer and philosopher said “The end is near when we no longer talk to ourselves” He explained, “It is the end of genuine thinking and the beginning of final loneliness. It also marks the non-concern about the world around us.”

Well I talk to myself all the time. “Don’t wheel around too quickly – remember falling when you did?” It’s called vertigo – the old timey word is known as “swim head”.

Im soon to be 86. My mother lived to be 99. She talked to herself a whole lot. Maybe I’ll be as fortunate. According to this, even when we pray privately, we would receive more of a blessing if we speak outloud.

When his disciples asked Jesus, “Show us how we should pray, Lord,” He answered, “When you pray, say, “Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.”

I pray aloud a short prayer on arising each morning…a prayer mostly for my family, and prayer of thanks for seeing another day of life.

I pray too for my friends who are terribly sick. All of this before I fix coffee and sit down to watch T.V. – Tom and Jerry. It’s good to start your day with lots of laughing…after talking to the Lord, I believe he laughs too.

Philosophers tell us language was invented to ask questions (you may not want to tell Socrates that). You may remember his only crime, for which he was executed, was going around asking questions.

They say humans come of age when man asked the first question…also that social stagnation results from folks not asking questions… “Whats gonna happen if your Grizzleblick slips off your wobbling chair, and your cars tail light starts pumpin’ oil?”

Careful not to hang one foot in the stirrup, and one in the gate! It makes you holler WHOA a lot.

Kindest Regards…


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