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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

When God speaks to us, we should listen.

Sometimes He speaks to us in our minds; other times in various and sundry ways.

Recently I heard a TV minister and pastor tell how God spoke to him.  He had stopped on night for coffee in an all-night restaurant.  The hour was late, he was the only customer in the place.

When he finished he went to the lady at the cash register and paid for his coffee.  He turned to walk toward the door at the far end of the building.  Suddenly something said to him (not in audible voice) “Don’t go out that door.”  For a second he dismissed it as a fluke and kept on walking.  “As I got to the door; something punched me in the stomach and the voice said again ‘Don’t open that door.’”  The voice was more adamant, he related.

He turned, went behind the counter, and left out the back door of the restaurant kitchen.  When he drove around front he saw two men backed up on either side of the door; one had a knife in his hand.  

Once when Bett and I were coming home one night we came to the shortcut-road to our house, a road we had taken many times.  As we got near to the turn-off, I heard something say in my mind, “Don’t take the shortcut tonight.” 

As we went the long way around Bett said, “Why aren’t we taking the shortcut?”  

“Something told me not to,” I answered.  

She said, “Ok.”  She wasn’t puzzled at all.  

When we were in the Air Force, one day I came home from the base and as I walked in Bett said, “Something told me that we need to sell our house.”  

I said, “Ok by me.”  I knew when Bett spoke I needed to listen.  She didn’t talk through her hat.  She had heard from God.

The house sold quickly and we moved to a rent house.  We came out in good shape.  

Shortly after, it was announced the air base would close.  Houses flooded the market; we got rid of ours in the nick of time.  

One time I realized my partial plate wasn’t in my mouth.  Well, I ‘bout panicked.  Those things cost an arm and a leg.

At times I eat off of a tray; afterward I take my partial out and clean it.  I’m real careful to put it back in my mouth.  This time I didn’t.  Where on earth could it be?  I thought and thought.  

About that time a light bulb went off in my brain.  “Have you looked in the garbage can in the kitchen,” the small voice said.  

I did.  There it was right on the top where I had emptied my tray...I scrubbed my partial good.  Now I’m more careful.  

My friend Ernie Drake was a top notch singer, back in our hometown.  He lived in Chattanooga, Tennessee.  I hadn’t seen Ernie in years.

One day I was driving down a street in Greenville, my radio was on, a guy was singing.  “That guy sounds a lot like Ernie,” I thought.  I no sooner thought that, then I looked and Ernie was pulling out of a side street.  I followed him.  He pulled in the driveway of his in-laws.  I pulled in behind.  We had a good visit after all those years.  I told him about my premonition.  

“And God spoke to Elijah in a still, small voice.” (1 Kings 19: 11-12) 

Kindest regards… 


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