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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

How do we define INTELLLIGENCE?

Scientific research tels us an adult Hedgehog has the intelligence of a three-year-old child.

Well most kids can talk at 3. A hog can't talk at all. That's one aspect of the question.

Then on the other hand a three-year-old child can't babysit. I once had a sow that would take all the small pigs to the other end of 
the lot and guard them while the other sow ate.

We also had a cow that would grab the lower limbs of an apple tree with her mouth and shake the apples down. 

Our friend had a mare that could reach the string on the light switch just outside her stall. At night she would turn on the light at that end of the horse barn. She also could lift the latch on her stall door, on the outside.

Growing up, we had a Wire Hair Fox Terrier. At night, when Chum needed to go outside, he would go to my mother's side of the bed. The rest of us slept soundly - mother was a light sleeper. He picked up on this early on.

Former Secretary of State, Henry Kessinger, was a very intelligent man. Someone once complimented him on his intelligence. His 
reply was, "The prisons are full of smart people - I'm proudest of my character."  

Statistics show that most Congressional Medal of Honor winners come from farms and small towns.  

I once asked a combat infantry sergeant if this were true. He said "Yes".  his reason was at those farm-boy Troops under him 
were better problem solvers and "They take and follow instruction better, they tend to be more intelligent intelligent."

Intelligence is pretty close kin to common-sense. Ben Franklin said one time - "I knew a man who could name a horse in six 
languages and bought a cow to ride.

Kindest Regards...


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