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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

This - That -  And - The - Other


In the movie THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, actor Morgan Freeman (portraying a 30 year old inmates serving a 40-year murder charge) in Shawshank prison; explains the term INSTITUTIONALIZED to a group of younger prisoners in the exercise yard.


One of the older fellow prisoners, after having been paroled subsequent to spending most of his life locked-up, had committed suicide. “He couldn't make it on the outside.,”


Red Redding (Morgan Freeman) explain to the group how the old inmate had been “institutionalized”. “When you were first locked-up, you hate it. Then you become used to it. Then after a good long while you come to depend on it. That's institutionalized.


The old guy left a suicide note: “I was tired of being afraid most of the time. I didn't sleep well... I would wake up at night scared - the outside was frightening.” He had been in prison better than 50 years.  


-Wife’s Aunt Jimmy was taken to the nursing home recently.  At 88, she had fallen and broke her leg. At first she was to stay three weeks  She fussed some in the beginning. Then she got her three meals on time each day. She had help with her personal hygiene.  She slept well on FRESH bed covers. Best of all she was away from her free-loading grandchildren who were “takers” - not “givers”... They wrecked her nice house, tore-up her car and spent most of her money.


Beth talks to her several times a week. Aunt Jimmy is saying now she can stay a total of 100 days.  “I’m thinking about staying.” She said.


Sounds like Aunt Jimmy has been institutionalized in a good way. Beth and I think she’ll stay her 100 days...a well-earned rest.


-My Uncle Cecil Driscoll’s wife Aunt Ethyl, went to the nursing home some years after Uncle Cecil died. Aunt Ethyl, although old by this time, is the only person I ever recall who took this nursing home thing in stride. She came in the front door with her suitcase in one hand and her guitar case in the other. She played both the piano and guitar well. She was institutionalized by the time she got there.


She enjoyed going around to each patron’s room playing her guitar and singing the old songs. The patients enjoyed it. Aunt Ethyl, one of a kind: She made lemonade out of a lemon.  


Kindest Regards...


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