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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

The devil you say:

There are several aspects of the Devil-  the evil one... I expect you knew that.

The Bible tells us, “the devil goes about as a roaring lion preying on whom he may devour.”

It is said of the Evil One, “He plays hide and seek”  with us - when he wishes to play on our lack of character, he calls it TOLERANCE. By the same token; when he wants to stifle our first attempts to learn tolerance he calls it LACK OF CHARACTER.

It's a CATCH 22 - we’re caught “between a rock and a hard place”.  Another aspect of the devils skullduggery is PRIDE. “See me - see me”  and “What about me? Don’t leave me out”... “Me first”.

The kind of Pride that says, “I'm proud of my children is OK. The kind of Pride that says my children are better than your children is NOT OKAY. That's the kind of Pride that always looks down not up.

The bad kind of Pride “lifts the crown from the cushion and places it upon its (own) brow with its own hands.”

It is said at his coronation, Britain's King Charles XII, set the crown on his own head. A fable says, “Once upon a time, there was a crown so heavy that it could only be worn by one who remained oblivious to its glitter. And old saw tells us: “On him who would glitter, no light shines.”  

We all like compliments. Mark Twain said once, “I can go a long way on a good compliment.”

But when people seek compliments it tends to be a turn-off. I knew this fellow once who thought himself to be an excellent dancer. He said to me one time, “Have you ever seen me on the Dance Floor?”

I was glad to tell him,”No, can’t say I have.”

Kindest regards...


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