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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

Writer T.S. Elliott must have been round the bend when he wrote: “Old men sought to be explorers-but few succeed in opening up new lands.”
Years ago I ran onto a story of an old man who did open up new lands for a good bit of the general public.
At 93 he acquired a sTruggling NEWSPAPER of which he became publisher, editor, typesetter and printer; wonder of wonders also the DELIVERY BOY. 
The old man didn’t ride a bicycle and toss his newspaper to his patrons.  HE TOSSED THEM FROM A PLANE; his plane...of which he was the pilot.  A bicycle could not cover such a vast area of rural California for his readers.
It was not known about his past flying experience, however he had bought himself a small high-wing single engine plane with a let-down side door.  He flew low and slow in order to drop his tied paper accurately close to his customer’s houses.  
Well, the Federal Aviation Administration (F.A.A.) did not like this.  They needed to have a finger in this pie- like all U.S. Government Regulatory agencies:(“We need to stop this!) We can’t allow private enterprise!)
First they tried to “ground” him;  “He’s too old to fly an airplane.”  They sent medical people to check his health- then they sent certified check pilots to determine his flying ability.  All his paperwork was in order - including his flying license.  He passes all they threw at him with flying colors.  
When all else failed they brougHt out the BRASS KNUCKS: a threatening letter from the F.A.A. : “Cease and desist from flying, else your license will be REVOKED.”
“Hard to scare a 93 year old man.  He took the F.A.A. to court and WON.
Two wisenheimer teenage boys sat in front of a flight shack at Old Rhinebeck Air Dome in up state New York. 
They watched an “old man” as he preflighted  a small plane.
“Surely that old man is not planning to fly that plane” one said to the other.
The airport manager overhearing the conversation replied, “That old man can not only fly that plane, he can fly the box the thing came in.” 
“Boys, that is Charles Lindbergh.”

Kindest regards...


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