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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

To me the word, supernatural means: more than human, more than fate, more than luck or happenstance. It means God. He doesn’t deal in fate or luck, or “maybe this, or maybe that”; or in the natural. 

God is also greater than the powers of darkness (Satan). By-the-way the word “luck” comes from the word Lucifer: the Devil. On one occasion God described Himself as “I am”. This was in response to a question of one of the prophets: who shall I say sent me?” 

“Say I am sent you,” God replied. Sorry to say, most prison Captains-of-the-guard are mean and brutal. It seems they are selected because of these personal traits...not all, but most. 

In one of his books about his prison ministry, Charles Colson, shares an incident about a mean prison guard captain. At one prison Colson was helping conduct a Lord’s Supper Service, in which some outside guests were invited. When one of the guests was leaving she hugged one of the prisoners in a gesture of Christian love. Although there wasn’t any fault on the prisoner’s part, he was hauled-up before the prison wander for touching a female. He had “broken a prison rule.” 

Standing beside the prisoner, the Captain of the Guard punched the prisoner and vulgarly suggested, “What else were you doing in there in the dark with just a bunch of candles burning? Were you-all fooling around? 

Colson said the guard fell to the floor as if he’d been hit in the head with a ball bat. There was no sign of him breathing. The prison medics were called-there was no heartbeat….his pupils were dilated and fixed (a sign of death). He was rushed to a hospital. The hospital doctor thoroughly examined him. They could find nothing wrong. The guard had apparently “died” of a massive heart attack or stroke. But he hadn’t, he suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. 

It was said he was a different man after that. Lesson: You don’t mess with God or the Lone Ranger. 

Kindest regards….. 


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