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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

How good looking was Mary Drake?

If you take Ashley Judd, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Vanessa Williams, and Sophia Loren- roll them together you would come close.

Mary Drake showed me her underwear one day. Noow don't jump to conclusions. It may not be what you think. I was a 13 year-old-eighth grader. Mary was a high school senior. We shared last period study hall. Eighth-graders were in the high school building back then in our school. Mary Drake did her own thing. She kept a horse, rode a stock saddle, and wore cowboy boots; on cold days she wore jeans- which she filled-out very nicely. When Mary walkekd down the street, old women grabbed-hold of their old men- boys acted silly and "frogged" each-other's arm, and punched one another a lot.

My buddy, John Batsel, lived next door to Mary. When I was at John's house we would sometimes slip over to Mary's barn-shed and just stare at Mary's saddle-and wonder. Need I say more.... lucky saddle.

On the underwear occasion, I was sitting across the ile in study hall. Mary was wearing her jeans-girls were allowed jeans at school only on real cold days then. For whatever reason I'll never know. Mary Drake-the beautiful Mary Drake, leaned over and whispered to me: "Can I show you something"? I was so dumb-founded I finally was able to shake my head in the affirmative. "Will you promise not to tell anybody?" she said. I managed somehow to squeak out a "yes", nodding my head. With that, the magnificent Mary Drake lifted her blue jean-leg up past her cowboy boot, and showed me the white winter long-handle underwear she had on.

I never knew what became of Mary. I heard she later married some rich guy and moved up east somewhere maybe. So goes the passing parade...

Kindest regards...


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