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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

We know by now either Hillary or Donald will be the new president-unless there is a very-very dark horse lurking somewhere-which is unlikely.
For whomever sits down anew in the chair of the oval office, here are some questions:
    Do you know about the old saw that says: Eat the land of the manor’s lintels; do the land’s bidding?  Evidently our country has been at the land’s lintels too long. I saw just recently where our national debt is growing at the rate of some billions a day (that’s B). It takes no degree in accounting to know that someday heck is coming to breakfast, and we’ll be doing the “lord’s” biding- can you, and will you stop this?
    Raising our taxes won’t cut it. We are overtaxed now; We are OVER REGULATED NOW! Too often in America he powers that be scramble to close the barn door after the horse is gone. How are you going to make sure the horse stays in the barn to begin with?
What do you really know about the Middle East? Unless you have an understanding of this part of the world, you’re in a heap of trouble. Sad to say in my lifetime very few, if any, of our American Presidents had no more of an idea about the history of the Jesus than a snake has hips. And without this knowledge one is virtually last-exception. Harry Truman…excellent historian.
    Do you know that Sarah, the wife of Abraham, is largely responsible for the Islamic nations? Because of her impatience she persuaded he husband Abraham to father a child with her handmaiden, Hagar. The result of that union was Ishmael (Gen. 16). Ishmael became the father of the Islamic nations. So, without the knowledge of the history of the Jews, one cannot really understand happenings now in our world here- and the goings-on in the Middle East. 
    One of the greatest aids to understanding out present time is Renan’s History of the People of Israel, written back in the 1880’s. I’m certain this can be found VIA, computer internet (books out of print). Please don’t disregard the Nation of Israel. Leaders who have, have not faired well. Will you not?
                    Kindest regards….


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