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Don Locke: Lookin Thru Bifocals

The passing parade: Still I hear the echo’s from the hills. Neighbors said Loshie Russet slept with blue jeans on backwards for contraceptive purposes. She probably didn’t want another baby. Folks avowed she let little J.B. nurse clear on through his first year of school. Claimed she’d go up to the schoolhouse at lunch time, take J.B. out behind the coal shed and let him nurse…standing up, while the others kids peeped and giggled.
Loshie and Norton, her husband, doted on little J.B. He was a “change baby”.  And having two older sisters added to J.B.’s spoiling no doubt, so much so that J.B. grew to young manhood and never left home. He died young. Hill folks have an expression, “spoiled to death”.  Could have been the case with J.B.
Even after her childbearing years Loshie was said to have still slept in contrary blue jeans. This may shed some light on the fact that her husband Norton had himself a jolt of Early Times each and every morning on arising. Coupled with the fact he went out and pushed a paint brush all day long.
I don’t know if Loshie ever gave up her bedtime vestment. We can only be certain she slept jeanless…at least three times.
I don’t know how much spouse abuse went on where I grew up. Some I’m sure, human nature being what it is. I’ve heard of it both ways. I’ve heard of wives abusing husbands, particularly those who were markedly brighter than their mates and larger physically.
Essie Chillcoat whipped her husband Culmer one time at a church reunion. This was accomplished in part by their son helping hold him. Essie removed the leather check lines from their horse team and thrashed Culmer soundly before the whole crowd. Poor Culmer wasn’t real bright: this probably happened frequently.
Their son, the only child; spoiled and indulged, eventually died a drunkard---before either of his parents. Essie and Culmer lived together, seemingly happy, into old age--- Essie (the thrasher) preceding Culmer (the thrashee) in death. Culmer lived several years alone, sorely grieving Essie’s passing.
I would have to score this true love, at least on the part of Culmer (the thrashee).

When Nathan and Pearl Troxel married they didn’t have a mule. Nate may have simply been to stingy to own one.  A stern, skinny, lantern-jawed kind of fellow, he was too tight to eat enough.
Anyway, after they were married for a time, Nate fashioned a sort of harness for Pearl, and hooked her up to the garden plow. Many is a time folks would tell of passing their place and seeing them plowing the garden---Pearl in the harness pulling, and Nate holding the handles.
I don’t know really when Pearl decided she’d plowed her last furrow; I do know that one day when Nate was in town, a pots and pans salesman came by and Pearl ran off with him. Kicked over the traces as it were.
Nate married again, eventually. But no one ever saw his new wife pull the plow.
Kindest Regards…


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