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Don Locke: Lookin’ Thru’ Bifocals

I came from an era of putting up loose hay, and plowing corn with a one line mule and a double shovel plow. Most folks will not relate to that.  That’s why I generally stay lost in a state of mind. Here’s what I mean: Recently I saw on TV a critic quizzing a Broadway actor about a certain play. “I had to leave before the last act,” the critic told him; “What happened to the main character?” The actor thought a minute and said, “He basically died.” 

He basically died? What does that mean? How does one “basically” die? As opposed to one who just dies? I know there are a whole bunch of causes of death, but is there a different way to cease living, where your heart stops beating. I doubt there is a fashionable way to kick the bucket. 

Vulgarity seems to be common now in movies and on T.V.  P.O. has become a common term; too, we all see people using the bathroom on T.V. We know people take care of bodily functions, we what’s entertaining about it? We all do that. 

--Sidebar: Statistics are not prejudice. They are records of things kept over and over until a pattern emerges. For instance if you are a bull rider, stats show if you stay in the chute to long before the gate is opened, you are not going to have a successful ride.(ouch) Just thought you’d like to know. 

--Heard this lately from a former pastor and trusted friend: Church treasury theft is now wide-spread across all denominations. That’s ALL denominations. 

- I once thought this or that was the greatest invention of mankind. I was all wrong. The greatest is the Moon Pie- the Honeybun running a close second. 

- Here is the way the Government thinks; A person can operate an ultralight aircraft without a license or physical exam. According to a friend of mine who flies, says now a person can fly any plane, weighing less than 1200 and some odd pounds, without a license or a physical exam. The Government allows this. “But, if a person takes a flight test to fly a 1200 pound or less air craft and fails the test, he cannot fly.” Go figure. 

You heard? It has come to light of late that the Homeland Security people in Washington have been spying on our own people. U.S.  Citizens, (wiretapping) First they lied and said not true. Then the head was forced to admit under oath to a Congressional Committee that it is, or was, true. The head resigned. 

This smacks of the FBI and of J. Edgar Hoover days, when he had a file of dirt on anybody he didn’t like. If somebody was puttin’ two kinds of cheese on a cheeseburger, Hoover knew about it. 

Someone said, “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that the process doesn’t in and of itself become a monster.” 

Plain talk: You don’t send a fox to guard a henhouse. 

Kindest Regards…


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