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Dairy Producers Reminded of MILC Program

Kentucky March 1, 2012 — The Kentucky Farm Service Agency would like to remind dairy producers of some important program eligibility requirements for payment under the Milk Income Loss Contract program (MILC). FSA State Executive Director John W. McCauley says dairy prices may authorize potential MILC payments, but all dairy producers need to be aware of the program requirements should those conditions arise.

Dairy operators currently enrolled in MILC, need to notify the local county office if there have been any changes to their dairy operation.

If a payment rate is announced, dairy producers enrolled in the MILC program will need to provide the local county office with documentation showing the eligible milk production and commercial milk marketing for the months with a MILC payment rate in effect.

When producers enroll in MILC, a payment start month is selected. This month remains the same through all program years, unless a change is requested by the dairy. Dairy producers are allowed to change their start month an unlimited number of times throughout their enrollment in MILC provided that the changes are requested timely.

MILC program participants are also required to comply with FSA's Adjusted Gross Income requirements each fiscal year. This certification, on a CCC-931, must be completed prior to a payment being disbursed.

New dairies that have not previously participated in the MILC program will need to fill out the CCC-580, Milk Income Loss Contract.


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