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Court approves budgets, hears road report, recognizes volunteers

Butler County Sheriff Scottie Ward

Butler County Fiscal Court met Monday night December 12 at the Butler County Courthouse for a regularly scheduled meeting.  Once the Pledge of Allegiance was lead and the opening prayer given, the room was called to order by Judge-Executive David Fields. Although there were several items of business on the agenda, the meeting ran smoothly with few bumps in the proceedings.  There was no old business to review.  

The first item of business was to recognize Carlos and Wondena Raymer for their volunteerism at the recycling center.  A motion was made by Second District Magistrate Johnny Tuck recognizing them as volunteers, with a second by Third District Magistrate Chad Tyree; the motion passed unanimously.  

County Road Suoervisor Jonathan Deweese

The report from the viewing committee for Hidden Valley Drive was the second item of business.  The report was read to the court by Butler County Road Department Supervisor Jonathan Deweese.  The committee consisted of Magistrates David Whittinghill (Fourth District) and Bobby Moore (Fifth District).   Once the item was open for discussion, Mr. Whittinghill said that he did not see how one house could serve the public interest, while Mr. Moore said that he knew several lots in that area had sold and would be a benefit to the county.  Discussion from those in attendance indicated that more houses would have been built in that area if the road was maintained as a county road, and because of their lack in doing so, the county was missing out on property taxes that could be paid on the area.

The third item of business was the approval of the County Clerk’s 2017 budget. Clerk Sherry Johnson was absent from the meeting due to attending training, but had presented her budget at the last called meeting.   A motion was made by First District Magistrate Stevie Givens to approve.  It was seconded by Mr.  Tyree and the motion passed swiftly with no discussion. 

The fourth item of business to approve the county clerk setting the maximum amount for deputy’s salaries.  A motion to pass this item was made by Mr. Whittinghill and seconded by Mr. Givens; it also passed with no opposition. 

The fifth and sixth items of business pertained to the sheriff’s department.  The fifth item was to approve the Sheriff Scottie Ward's 2017 budget.  Mr. Givens made a motion to pass the sheriff’s 2017 budget, with a second from Mr. Tyree.    Mr. Tyree questioned a few items pertaining to the salaries and Sheriff Ward supplied the court with a detailed answer that was satisfactory.  When the vote to pass was called there was opposition, which resulted in a roll call.  The motion to approve the sheriff's 2017 budget passed 3-2 with Magistrates Whittinghill and Tuck opposing the measure.  Magistrates Givens, Tyree, and Moore voted in favor of the sheriff's budget.  The sixth item of business was to approve the maximum amount for deputy salaries.  A motion was made by Mr. Givens to accept the item and a second was provided by Mr. Moore and the vote carried.

The rest of the agenda was all passed unanimously.  This included the approval to transfer $35,000 from the general fund to the jail, the monthly treasurer’s report, and lastly the bills and transfers.

Once all items of business were discussed, the floor was open for comment.  Magistrate Whittinghill discussed the work being done on the bridge at Lock 5 road, while Judge Fields encouraged the court to think about the possibility of beautifying the boat ramps at Leonard Oak with a park in the future.

Carlos Raymer once again addressed the court to ask if there had been any more discussion on whether or not there would be money saved by an outsourcing the ambulance service.  Judge Fields directed the question to Magistrate Tyree, who advised that no determination had been made and they were still looking into it.  


Emergency Management Director Richard Henderson spoke briefly about the LAPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) and their current activities within the county.


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