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City Council: Pendley retires, property tax rate lowered, & over $28K spent on Catfish Festival

Morgantown City Council met in regular session on Thursday, August 9th at the Eva J. Hawes Agriculture and Exposition Center. Members Sharon Johnson, Russell Givens, Gary Southerland, Sterling White and Jason Gaskey were in attendance.

The council recognized Timmy "Pinball" Pendley for his 27 years of service to Morgantown Utilities.  He received a certificate of commendation and the Key to the City by Mayor Phelps.
In other business, the council lowered the 2018 property tax rate. The city must collect the same amount of revenue as the year before, however due to increases in residential ($2,000,696) and commercial ($4,902,993) values they were able to lower the tax rate from .119 to .114. For example, a $50,000 home will see a decrease of $4.50 on their tax bill.
The following reports were given:
Morgantown Fire Department
Vehicle Accidents -City -1, County-3
Medical Assistance - City -1, County -1
Calls for Assistance - City -2, County -1
Rubbish Fires- City-0, County-1
Total Calls-10

Morgantown Police Department
Dispatched Calls 318
Worked 8 accidents
19 arrests
36 citations
13 cases to Grand Jury
Four special events
Total Calls 961

Housing Authority
The Board of Commissioners will be meeting with the contractor to address resurfacing concerns at the Southside Community building.  The Capital Fund Grant for 2018 is being used to complete the remaining 20 bathroom upgrades at Huff Ingram, replace a playground at Kent Manor, and replace heat/air units at Dabbs-Tuck property.

Planning & Zoning
The Planning & Zoning Commission has issued one permit and continues to work on the comprehensive plan and zoning map.  A hearing concerning zoning changes on South Tyler Street and Main Street was held on August 7th.  Andrea's Mission is seeking the zoning change to open a program on South Tyler for 16 males and a Transition House for ten men on Main Street.  The commission has 60 days to make their decision.

Utilities Commission
There has not been a meeting since the last city council meeting.  Timmy "Pinball" Pendley retired after 27 years of service.

They have been mowing.

According to Mayor Phelps, the Ward Street sidewalks are almost finished, and that will complete the "Sidewalks to School" Project. The next sidewalk project will be on Dave Gaskey Lane.
The mayor met with Arnold Construction and the price tag for the renovation of the Charles T. Black Park was $4.5 million. Mayor Phelps stated they would need to look at the project again and make adjustments.
The city presents Bags to the Teachers at the beginning of school.
The Movies at the Pool events, held over the summer, were well attended and will be continued next year.
The City of Morgantown spent $28,516 on the 2018 Green River Catfish Festival. 
Plans are being finalized for the renovation of City Hall.




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