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City Council hears concerns, reports, and approves ordinances.

Jerry Howard addressing the council.

The Morgantown City Council met in regular session on Thursday, November 10th.  All of the current council was present as were the newly elected members, Jason Gaskey, Dustin Embry, and Sterling White.

In last month's meeting the council members unanimously approved the first reading of three ordinances aimed at totally revamping the city's building and housing codes, as well as new regulations pertaining to landlords and tenants.  Specifically approved by the council were the International Property and Maintenance Code, an ordinance creating a Code Enforcement Board, and the Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act.  Jerry Howard, Lee Smith, and Tommy Willis were in attendance and expressed concerns over the council's action.
"It is the wrong thing to do... you are opening a can of worms... you need to enforce the ordinances you have now," were some of the comments made by Howard. 
For Howard, who has been in the rental business for 48 years, the main objection were references made to inside inspections of properties. 
In response, Mayor Phelps assured the men the council was willing to work with them and address their concerns.  Phelps stated that the city has taken out any inside inspections, Section 8 Housing, and are willing to grandfather existing structures in some cases. The new ordinances will pertain to new structures only.  Both sides agreed to work together and no action was taken by the council.

The following reports were given:
Morgantown Utilities:
In October 2015, Morgantown Utilities undertook a project to change all gas and water meters it services from manual read to radio read.  Trane estimated the job at more than $600,000.  After investigating radio read meters and placing a bid, Morgantown Utilities went with United Systems, who carry ITRON.  The cost of purchasing the water meters and ERT's for gas was $235,647.13.  The utility employees did the installation, as weather and other work duties allowed.  A total of 1168 gas ERT's and 820 water meters and ERT's were replaced. According to Randall Gaskey, Utilities Supt., 1980 meters can be read in less than six hours.  The ERT's also helps with customer complaints.  The radio ERT's can be data logged and can tell what time and day a leak of high usage began and ended.
Housing Authority:
The roof repairs at Kent Manor were completed, and the 2016 Capital Fund bathroom upgrades started on Nov. 4, 2016. The Management Discussion Analysis Report of the year ending March 31, 2016 provide positive information and the Fiscal Financial Audit is scheduled for November 16, 2016.  All units are fully occupied with the exception of the vacant three bedroom units getting bathroom upgrades.  All hill areas at all properties have been cleared by weed trimming.
Chief of Police:
Calls for service- 334
Cases opened- 8
Criminal arrests-14
Traffic Citations issued- 6
Vehicle accidents- 13
Morgantown Fire Department:
All fire training is current.
Maintenance Department:
Eight new benches have been installed.
Economic Development:
Maureen Carpenter reported they are currently marketing the Kentucky Cooper building and gave the council a flyer they had developed.  She gave updates on the current companies she visits and assists as needed.  After talking to TVA, she recommended that the city takes the $20,000 grant offered and reapply next year for a larger amount.  Carpenter also discussed healthcare and job training. 
City Administrator:
Next year's focus for the City of Morgantown, KY for 2017 will be revitalizing Charles Black City Park. We believe our Park has great potential to be an even better space for families and the community to gather.
According to Mayor Phelps the tennis courts were built from a grant from the Water Conservation and as part of the agreement must be maintained by the city. 
The sidewalk project will begin with Thomas Street once the bidding process is over.  The construction will start at North Ward St. and cease at N. Main St.
Rep. Jim DeCesare wrote a letter in support of a grant to remodel City Hall.
In other business the council approved the following items by a 6-0 vote:

  • Increasing the City Administrator's salary from $18 to $24 per hour.
  • Reinstating the former guidelines for health insurance for employees.
  • Selling property on Hwy 231, next to former Pamida building, to Steve Hampton for $35,000.
  • Second reading of the Sidewalk Ordinance- Mayor Phelps emphasized that property owners are responsible for the sidewalks on their property.
  • Second reading of the Alcohol Ordinance



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