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City Council Hears Annual Reports

The Morgantown City Council met via Zoom on Thursday, January 14th. Each department gave its annual report.

Planning and Zoning Commission

Danny Cardwell reported that due to COVID, several meetings had to be postponed. Hobart Flener retired and was replaced by Rick Scott. The commission had three zoning change inquires that required no action and 17 zoning permit requests. The commission will work with the USPS National Delivery Planning Standards and Guides for Developers to plan a possible new subdivision for the city.

Housing Authority

Chairman Pam Staples reported that the board had missed several meetings due to COVID. Two new members have joined the board, Easton Weathers and Tiffany Boone. The renovation, new laminate flooring for the Huff Ingram Facility has been delayed due to the virus. Two residents have gone on to be homeowners in 2020.

Code Enforcement

Bobby McKee reported he has received several complaints and issued some citations. He is still working on both old and new cases, trying to resolve the issues. According to McKee, who also serves on the ABC (Alcohol and Beverage Control Board), 12 establishments across the city limits serve or sell alcohol.

Public Works

Brad Johnson reported the following:

Two full-time employees

Jail Work Crew worked five months

Youth worked 20-40 hours per week from June-October

Picked up 50 loads of brush and30 loads of leaves

Fixed 35 potholes

Installed three tiles and four draw boxes

Assisted with the Smithsonian Display

Mowed and maintained 50 acres at City Park, 11 cemeteries, sidewalks, and right of ways

Morgantown Police Department

Chief Giles Taylor reported the following:

128 Arrests

Opened 308 criminal cases

Worked 31 special details

Wrote 293 citations

Dispatched to 2,974 calls for service

City Administrator

Jerrod Barks said that the occupational tax has only decreased three percent this year; at this point, property taxes are down 20 %, while insurance tax is 7% higher than last year.





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