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Celebrate Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, in Bowling Green

Sukkot (pronounced "Sue-coat") is a joyous festival during which Jewish people build booths, remembering the 40 years of wandering in the wilderness under Moses.  It is a time of thanking God for His provision and care.

Hope in Messiah Congregation invites you to join them in observing Sukkot at its special service on Friday, September 20 at 6:30p. at 2107 Old Louisville Road in Bowling Green.  There is no charge and everyone is invited.

The service will feature the Sukkah (or booth), the waving of the lulav, (palm branches) lively music and dancing.  Refreshments will be provided following the service. Nursery will be available for children up to the age of 3.

Additional information can be obtained at the Hope in Messiah website at or by calling 270 303-9410.


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